Chapter 5

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Hayes's POV

Starr hollers a name. "Max!" She hollers. A few minutes later We all hear a pair of paws trotting down the hallway. The dog Max goes up to Starr and gets all happy and jumpy. She smiles and bends down to pet him. Her smile is so beautiful. Her smile makes me happy. I hate to see her feel like she shouldn't exist. Max looks around and sees us.

He walks toward the group and sniffs our shoes. He then gets all excited and licks my hand. He then goes over to his bowls and eats his food and drinks his water. When he's done, Starr pulls out a pink raggedy bunny. She squeaks it and Max gets all giddy and jumpy. She threw the toy and the dog chased after it.

"How'd Max end up here?" Cameron asked. "He was wandering around the area and I found him on the streets so I took him in and let him stay in this house ever since he was a puppy," Starr said. "You could say I saved him," Starr stated. "Oh," Nash said. There was a long period of silence where we could listen to the creaks and water dripping from the house until Starr spoke, "Follow me."

She walks towards a flight of stairs and Max follows with the bunny hanging out in his mouth. We all follow behind her. She climbs out the window to go on the roof of the house. We all do the same.

She sits down on the roof and Max lays down on the roof and put his head on her lap. He slowly falls asleep on her. We all take a picture of her and Max and then we all sit down. I sit down next to her. "My thinking spot," She spoke. "What would you come to think about?" Jacob asks. "Everything that I told you and to get away from my problems," Starr stated.

Starr's POV

"What would you come to think about?" Jacob asks. "Everything that I told you and to get away from my problems," I stated. We all just sit in silence for 5 minutes until I spoke. "Would you can if I died today, tomorrow, or next week?" I ask.

"Of course we would care ," Matt stated. "Without you here we wouldn't of met you and you have so much to live for," Cameron said. "If we didn't meet you we would of gotten to see this amazing person that's siting right in front of us," Hayes said.

"Thanks for everything guys," I spoke. I look at the time on my phone. "Oh no, we got to go guys," I said. I wake up Max. I get up and so does everyone else. We all go out the same way. I grab my stuff and we head out the door. "You don't have to go back, you can report it to them and come be with us," Nash said.

"I can't, this is where my brother died I can't leave him behind," I said. "We'll report your parents and you pack up your stuff and including your brothers stuff," Cameron said. Cameron calls 911. He reports it and I give him the address. We all head back and the police haven't arrived yet. I put my stuff down and run inside.

"Look who's home now? Where's our food?" My dad asks. He comes up to me with a beer bottle in his hand. He's drunk. He slaps me. "ANSWER ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!" my dad yells. "On the table," I said quietly.

He slaps me again. "I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN AND WE NEVER WANTED YOU!" Dad yells. I start crying. I hear the door get busted down. "We are here to arrest Mr. and Mrs. Greene," The police said. They head towards my dad and hand cuff him. The other officer gets my mom and hand cuffs her.

They head outside and put them in the squad car. The sheriff tells me, "Hurry up and pack your stuff you got to get ready to leave because they're waiting outside for you." I run upstairs and grab 2 suit cases. I pack al my electronics in one bag accept for my phone.

I put my chargers in the same bag. I pack my bathroom stuff and clothes into 2 separate suite cases. I pack 2 hoodies of my brothers and put in a suit case. I got to my parents room and grab about all the money I could find and add it to my wallet. I grab my passport and ID.

I grab all my school stuff. I pack everything that I need. I grab my suit cases and back pack and head down stairs. I got out the door and close it behind me. The police are gone and all there is the MAGCON boys standing outside.

I bring my stuff and put it in the bus. I hug all of them. "Thank you so much guys," I said. We all pile in the bus. "Can we get Max?" I ask.

"We are going to get Max," Cameron said. The bus doors close and we drive off to get Max. We get to the house and I grab Max's things and I grab Max with his toy. I put all the stuff in the bus. We all head off to the hotel.

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