Chapter 6

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Starr's POV

We arrive at the hotel. There's a couple of girls outside sitting down like they're waiting for something. I say good bye to Max and fill up his food and water bowls. I pet him and told him to guard the bus from intruders. We walk out of the huge tour bus and walk to the hotel doors. The girls go up to the guys and ask for pictures and I get shoved out of the way. "Why is this ugly bitch hanging out with these guys?" a girl asks. "Well maybe because she was adopted by them," Matthew said. He stood up for me. I'm lost in my own mind thinking of why he stood up for me. I jus open the door to the main hotel building. I walk in and nobody really notices I'm gone. Well, Matthew does. He goes and finds me. This hotel is beautiful and I could never afford a hotel room here. "Neat, huh?" I hear a familiar voice from behind me ask. "Yeah, it's amazing I could never afford a room here," I said. "The management will pay for you and us all," Matt said. "I don't want to be such a burden to you guys since I already am," I said. "No, you're not," Matt said. "You're the most amazing thing that has happened to me all my life I hate that you were in such a bad situation," Matt said. "Really Matt?" I ask. "Yes, really," he said. He hugs me tightly. "Did we miss something?" A familiar voice says.

We let go quickly. "No," we both say. "Let's get going then," Nash says. We all walk up to the front and check-in. We get are room keys. We meet the manager in the lobby. "Hey, Paul," they all said. "Hey guys," he said. "I'm going to give you to who's room you're going to be in and the girl can choose who to sleep with," he said. It's...

-Nash and Hayes

-Brandon, Hunter, and Ashton Rowland

-Matthew Espinosa and Shawn Mendes

-Joey Birlem and Jacob Sartorius

-Aaron, Cameron, and Taylor


-Mahogany Lox

"Here are you guy's room keys and Starr has room keys to all rooms if she's switching to sleep with people," he said. Paul sets the room keys by room and everyone takes a card except for me. Paul leaves. "Okay, Starr you need to choose," Nash said. "I will switch who to sleep with each night so I'm going to start in Mahogany's because I am surrounded by boys," I say. Mahogany laughs. "I'm just kidding," I said. "I'll room with Nash and Hayes first," I said. I grab all my room keys and follow the group. I heard the other group has at least more than 2 girls on their tour.

We get up to the room and Nash already texted what room I'll be in at the moment. I swiped the room key card in my room and the door unlocked. I opened the door. The room was beautiful. I set my backpack on the floor by the bed and plopped down on the bed. "This is amazing," I said. "Never been to a hotel before?" Nash asks. "Nope," I said. "Well, we'll make sure to make it the best stay ever!" Hayes said while laying down next to me. "In fact let's invite everyone to the room and start a live broadcast on YouNow," Nash said. "We could do it on your broadcast and we'll promote you and spam it saying that they need to join the broadcast," Hayes said. "We'll tweet and snapchat it and you'll get a lot of fans," Hayes said. "Yeah sure," I said.

Several minutes later we get done unpacking our things. We invite everyone in the room to come down so we can live broadcast. They promote my broadcast. I start to broadcast. "Hey, guys I'm in a different place then I usually am and I got some friends so come on guys get in!" I said to the broadcast. The group jumps on the bed and they all say hi really loud. They start commenting OMG! Hi Nash, Cam, Matt and so on. "We just got back from my old house now we're here," I said. Taylor walks in without a shirt on. "Hey guys," Taylor says. The comments kept filling up.

"Ask us questions and we'll answer them," I said. "Are you dating any of the boys? people keep asking that so I'll answer. No. I'm a single pringle not yet ready to mingle," I said. "Then why are you there?" people asked. "Nash, can I tell them?" I ask him. He nods his head yes. "They adopted me," I said. 'Who would you date out of all of them? be honest.' -Jaden "Well, I'll keep that between myself because I don't want anyone to get sad because of me," I said.

'Kiss, Marry, Kill. Jacob, Aaron, Weston Koury' -Skyler "I would Marry Weston Koury, Kill Aaron I'm sorry Aaron, and Kiss Jacob," I said. 'Kiss Jacob right now' -Hailey I look at Jacob worried. He gives me a comforting smile. I peck him on the lips really quick. 'Weston Koury is in this Live broadcast OMG!' -Alex "Well I guess Weston heard that I'll marry him," I said.

'I accept the marriage you big goobie!' -Weston K. "Well when and where?" I ask. 'I tonight :p' -Weston K. "Well okay," I said. 'They're goals AF'-Hannah "DM me Weston and tell me where to meet up," I smile. 'Wes10's the username on all accounts I'll follow you and DM you after you get off live you big goobie!' -Weston K. "K. Noob," I said. "How do you know him?" Joey asks. "My best friend since my childhood I haven't seen him since he moved and got internet famous," I said.

'Sing Her Last Words by Courtney Parker' -Sky "Okay and after we'll play Truth or Dare," I said. I sing the song. My new found friends are crying all around me and they can see the pain that I went through in this song. "Okay let's play Truth or Dare," I said.


A/N: Finally I update a new chapter. I'm so glad I did and I'm sorry it took so long and all of this story is on paper I have been editing the book from paper to writing it publicly on Wattpad so bare with me and comment and like the book for me please.

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