presleyisbossss tagged me
Let's go *gets my cactus on*1) iPhone SE (the 5) I am such a hipster
*hides in farthest corner of the Earth*
*yells into microphone*
3) June 19th
I expect gifts
They are the payment required to get on the guest list of the super exclusive PearlyClub
Cactus rewards members get access to my fridge
4)I literally cannot count how many I have on here, irl...Dimension...*tumbleweed blows by*
5)Never can pick
I like Trippy Love by Vexento though
It's nice
Very fun
6)Sickness, scorpions, being alone, the unknown...pretty much anything if it scares me at that moment
Basically the world
7)Fawn, like dirty blonde but more like a very pale brown with a bit of blonde highlights than vice versa. It's sort of wavy-straight
8)Normally I'd say art, but it's English this year! My teacher makes it amazing!
Yet another thing that makes me worse than that girl my age who I loathe for being so much better at EVERYTHING than I am
Go ahead and do it
I know doing tags can be fun, but I don't want to pressure anyone who might be busy
If you aren't too busy
Do it