Chapter 1; Awww...the wonders of a lovely, bloody crowbar...

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                                                                     Chapter 1

  " - Awwww.....the wonders of a lovely, bloody crowbar-"

  Drip. Drip. Drip. "SHUT UP!!!!!" I jump out of the torn chair I had occupied, the torn out cotton making it look like a mangy mutt had been searching for a very juicy stake. It probably had. I smile at the delicous thought. That doesn't make any sense though....SINCE I'M ALWAYS SMILING! Though what really doesn't make sense, is sense. Including to a deranged clown-......"I AM NOT A CLOWN!!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs, giving a glare to the leaky cieling above me. How could I be so racist?! I continuly glare at the cieling. "What the hell are you looking at?" I say slowly, and cock my head to the side; looking at at it like it's a wonderous piece of artwork, like a..."Like a what?" I question to myself, pacing back and forth, my shoes thumping across the stained hardwood floor. I cup my chin in a purple clad hand. "Like a bloody hanging scene!" I snap, at my quickness of thought.

  Then my smile slowly crawls from my face, and turns into a frown. I burn a whole into the glove as I stare at it without pause. I bring it close to my face, the leather making a rubbery sound, like a deflated ball, poked with a fine needle, rolling across smooth tile. I bring the thumb close to my eye. Is that a...? My face contorts into anger. "A BLOOD STAIN?!" My rage fuming widly. A blood stain is on MY glove! My beautiful, purple glove! Who would dare?! Who could be so mad as to hurt y precious glove?! I glower at the stain, than command it. "Out!" I growl at the damn stain. "I said out, you foul demon!" My voice rises. The spot doesn't come out. Why isn't it listening? Who would dare defy the oh-so-funny Joker?

To Be Thy Continueda......(Is that how the Mexicans say it? Oh, to hell with what the sombreros think.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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