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Joy Merck was in a state of oblivious delusion.Okay not quite but close.

With her head in the clouds all the time she has never really understood the problems she has at home.

So when a boy that has scared the shit out of her, made her more annoyed and angry than ever before makes her realize her situation will he stick around to help or will he just leave.

Rumor has it he is only around for more than a few months and never truly gets along with many people, not that he minds of course.

With a turn of events and as realization strikes Joy, all bottled up anger goes directly at the one person that's never really surprised by her outbursts and not so extremely violent attacks.

Follow these two teens on what it's like to have fun with a mix of tears sentimental quotes from something as ridiculous as Spongebob Squarepants and hopefully learn that loving and living are truly as the (INNOCENT) romantic novel authors conceive them to be.


By the way swearing is added in

How We Made It Work


This is my first story, I mean I've tried to write other ones but time just flew by and I never really liked to edit it, plus I wasn't a big writer or even a reader.

But now it's like what I do 24/7.

So I'm a bit nervous, go easy on me or hard I really don't mind as long as you read my story.

Point out as many mistakes.

Criticism is accepted I will try to work on absolutely anything you guys have a problem with.

I will try to update every 8-10 days because its not that I'm busy it's just writers block.

Oh and I don't mind you guys pestering me about updates the more you pester the faster i'll get inspiration and motivation to write.

So that's the end of my thoughts any questions about me or my story just ask at the end of any chapter in the story or on my page or even inbox I check them everyday incase I get a (highly unlikely but still there is hope) fan.

So this is where all the authors say their I love you's but I don't even know you.

People say I'm a mean and judgmental person.

I don't believe it, they are just jealous because I'm so cool and awesome.


THANK YOU Complicated_Popcorn for the awesome cover and I really mean it truly also everyone GO READ HER BOOK NOW wait No not now after you've read my book and commented telling me how much you've loved it thanks.!!!






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