The New Kingdom

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When Zaria returned to the palace that afternoon, she went through the main gate, assisting a very weak Tsudros. The guards quickly allowed them in, though questioned her profusely about the blood stains on her clothing. How Zaria would have enjoyed telling them it was Sharvur's blood, yet she would best save that news for the two new kings. They would undoubtedly send warriors out to the empty tent to confirm the event. Zaria instead immediately sent for Mila to attend to Tsudros' needs.

Meeting both of them on the first level, the older Slavic woman had to be calmed from the ghastly view of blood covering Zaria's clothing. But once informed it was not Zaria's nor her companion's, she received Tsudros with an enthusiastic hug. This was expected, as Mila had been instrumental in getting the artist and Zaria together on clandestine occasions in the past, and had always approved of him for her. Mila then went about the business of providing Zaria's lover with sustenance, and a safe place to stay where he could, over time, regain his strength and vitality.

It was not long after Zaria had bathed and changed into her new, more regal clothing that she was called for a meeting with Misru and Lorant. It was there she was expected to explain her unannounced absence and the frightful condition of her return. It was Misru who spoke first, firmly and with concern in his face.

"Princess Zaria, we are relieved to see you back in the palace, but we do not approve of your leaving us with no protection. Or not informing either of us of your plans."

Lorent spoke up next, questioning her more out of curiosity than a matter of protocol.

"The guards told us that when you entered with this stranger, you were covered with blood. Is this true, Zaria?"

"Yes, my kings. It is true. I had to kill a man . . . in order to rescue another, whom I love."

Both regents looked at each other with a blank expression.

"And who are these men," Lorent asked.

"One . . . you know well. . . And the other you may only have heard of. For his exquisite talent here in the Pazyryk kingdom as an artist."

"No more suspense, princess," Misru weighed in. "Tell us of your whereabouts. This peasant disguise you wore. And the circumstances of the blood which the guards speak of."

"Tsudros is the man I love. And have loved since I was brought here as a slave. He is the tattoo artist. The man who Sharvur allowed to enter the palace . . . to decorate me."

The two looked at each other again.

"Tsudros helped me escape the monster of the palace. Along with Moshtok, a relative of the king. He was my teacher of your language. Moshtok's lover was Branka. Sharvur's sex slave. We all escaped the kingdom one year ago during the first revolt."

"Yes. We had heard there were others who accompanied you."

"But who is this man you murdered, Zaria?" Mesru asked, still sounding perplexed.

"He was the man most feared in this kingdom . . . and for too long. The evil one many would now rejoice to know is finally dead."



"But how did you know where he was hiding?" Lorent asked incredulously. No one knew this."

"I did not  know it. I went to find the man I love. But the king was there hiding. He is from the clan of Moshtok's family. And knew of this home I searched. He had learned we had stayed there once, hiding the Amazon girl, Tomyris, before we left on our journey."

The Tattooed Princess: Book Two-- Escape to the WestWhere stories live. Discover now