The Worth of a Man

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Although the girls' hands were untied once they were placed in their prisoner's tent, it was still a sleepless night for them. Zaria was very concerned for what would become of Tsudros, only several tents away from her. And of course, Branka shed tears throughout the long night for Moshtok, whose condition was still unknown since he managed to escape. As far as they could tell, he had not been brought back by the Amazon warriors who pursued him, though that was no guarantee the worst had not happened if they had managed to overtake or find him.

At the first light of day, the Daughters of the Moon tent camp was active. There was outside the sound of female voices and the protest of horses all around them as the many women went about their duties and routines. Though both Zaria and Branka knew this would be no ordinary day in their lives, Zaria could only hope it would not be her lover's last day. She knew the abhorrence the Amazon culture had for men, their mortal enemies.

It was not long before the two young women were taken out of their tent and moved at knife point by three warriors close to their own age. They were led to the center area of the camp. This wide zone had a large circular, grass-covered spot which was presently filling up with female spectators at its perimeter. The women obviously had been informed there would be some novel display of the prisoners once more that morning, and most likely some formal, public showing of their fate. Nevertheless, the girls were being marched into the center of this staging area and asked to sit.

As they sat motionless with the three Amazon girls behind them, Branka commented quietly to Zaria that the audience had none of the very young girls present. For some reason they were all being kept back in the tents, as it would appear they were not allowed to see whatever the ensuing event would be. This only caused both girls' hearts to beat wildly, fearing the worst, firstly for Tsudros and secondly for themselves.

At that point a small entourage of armed Amazons arrived at the edge of the center circle with Tsudros in tow. His hands were still bound behind him and two young women pulled dispassionately at the leather trundle still attached to his neck. They led him forward, also to be in the grassy circle for all to see. When he was brought up to the center point with Zaria and Branka, they could tell their friend and lover had not slept at all and was in considerable pain and discomfort from his bindings.

As the audience of Amazon women finally had swollen to what appeared to be many scores-perhaps a hundred females seated around the circle, a more senior woman wearing many loops of turquoise beads-and the only Amazon with silver arm bracelets, walked to the center and stood behind Zaria and Branka. She gestured for them to get up onto their knees so as to be seen more clearly by the masses of curious women watching at a distance. Tsudros who stood nearby, faced the crowd and then looked painfully into the eyes of Zaria and Branka. From what they knew of the gentle Tsudros, he was more concerned for their fear and feelings that moment than his own.

Once in place, the senior Amazon woman raised both her hands dramatically as a sign to all the women to be quiet and focus on the proceedings at hand. She then gave a verbal command which seemed to excite the crowd. Suddenly this caused all the younger women-most in their late teens and early twenties, to stand and run forward. It created a second, closer and more intimate audience only several meters away from where Tsudros stood with the girls.

When the energetic teens and young women had seated themselves in front of their leader, just before the standing Tsudros, she gave the command once more for them to be silent and observe the proceedings reverently and orderly. This the younger warriors did-obediently and with respect. Zaria turned and looked at Branka questioningly, uncertain of what was about to be shown here to these young, yet still very deadly members of the clan.

The Tattooed Princess: Book Two-- Escape to the WestWhere stories live. Discover now