Chapter 1

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The snow is falling heavily outside causing everyone to stay indoors. It's amazing how something so beautiful can be so deadly.  I can't shake this itch to run outside and play in the snow like when I was a little girl.  Just then my father's voice booms behind me causing me to jump, "Don't you even think about it."  He some how always knows whats going on inside my head.  Maybe it's just me and he's reading my face as if it's a novel.

"I won't. don't worry. I was just looking." I half lie with a smirk. I sip at my breakfast tea as he study's my face.  I give him a re-assuring smile and turn my attention back out the window, letting my thoughts consume me.

After some time, I am called into my fathers office, "Christy, come here for a moment." I let out a sigh knowing that he wants me to do something for him, like getting him some tea, or fetching him some paper from his room, or some other things to do for him when he has perfectly good legs.  My father is the type of man that always wants control.  Even when he can't have it, he wants it.

"Yes, father?"

"Could you make me a cup of tea?" I knew it. I give him my best fake smile and say, "Yes, father." Oh, how I want to escape from this house. Once I pass my A levels, I am off to University and I am never looking back. I will let my father ponder the thoughts of why I haven't visit him yet.

As I am making his cup of tea, I see a familiar shadow outside in the garden. I lay my eyes on the short blonde hair running through the bushes and I know exactly who it is. I can always depend on my best mate, Niall to come save me from this prison. I quickly finish making my fathers tea, then look to the office door to make sure he doesn't see me. I hold up my index fingure to Niall to tell him I'll be out in a minute. I bring my father his tea and quickly turn so I can sneak out.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" my fathers words pierce the air. "I'm going to study for a test I have in Psychology. No worries, father." I lie. Thank goodness my room is right above the kitchen. It's so easy for me to sneak out.

I open my window and I see Niall shivering in the cold. I can't help but silently giggle. When it comes to the cold weather he is such a pussy. Niall and I have been best mates ever since we were little kids. We would always get in trouble with the teachers, our parents, and even with the law. He has always tried to get me out of trouble as much as he could. Although I hate it when he does that because I love the thrill of getting caught.

"Come on!" He whispers, "I'm freezing my balls off out here!" I let out a small laugh. I jump down in the soft snow. He takes my hand in his and drags me to the street. "Where have you been lately?" he asks me. "In prison." I joke. "Don't you know I live with an overprotective dickhead?" I ask sarcastically whilst pulling out a box of cigarettes. I offer to Niall and he takes one. We light them up and continue to walk over to the coffee shop. Niall and I like to call it "our house" due to the fact that we always hang out there and we practically live there. 

Niall and I order our usual coffees and sit in our usual booth. We both are talking and laughing, sharing stories when Niall suddenly goes quiet. That could only mean one thing. I turn around to see who walked in. Shit. Nialls ex-girlfriend and my ex-best mate, Lex, walks in. "Why does she have to be here?" Niall says through his teeth. I reach over and place my hand in his. Lex and Niall had a really bad break up involving me. Long story short I had to pick between the girl who lies about everything and my best mate. It was a no brainer in who I would choose, but the fact that she made me choose is beyond stupid and selfish. 

"She better not start anything." Niall states. "She won't don't worry about it." Then I see her start walking over to us. "Spoke to soon." He tells me. Well, this should be fun.

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