Chapter 3

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Only this could have happened to me. I gather my books and scramble to my feet. "Wait!" Harry calls for me but I continue to walk away from him. I don't want to know what he has to say. I just need to get as far away form him as possible. 

I step into my next class and sit in my seat towards the back. I do admit sitting in the back does let me day dream a lot. But it's also nice to get away from everyone once in awhile. I am the only one in the room. 


I should have known class didn't start for another 20 minutes. I just had to get the hell away from Harry. How can I dream about him when I haven't even met him yet?

The question keeps running through my mind. I have to try and figure this out for my own well being. First I have to keep myself occupied for the next 20 minutes. I put in my earphones and let the music take me away from this world. 

I grad a pensil out of my bad and start sketching in my notebook. The music helps me draw even better than if I were to do it without. I start off by sketching out a flower but it slowly turns into something dark. Thorns are growing out of the stem and blood is trickling off each thorn.

I feel a tap on my shoulder causing me to jump. I turn around to see a girl around my height with black wavy hair standing over me. I take my earphones out, "Um, yes?" I ask.

"Oh sorry if I'm bothering you but I was wondering if this was Intro to Psychology?" the girl asks me. I nod my head yes hoping she won't sit next to me. 

But no, she sits next to me. Can't she see that there are plenty of other places to sit that are not next to me? I mean, for fuck sake we're the only two in this classroom.

"I'm Natalie." she says holding out her hand. I look at her with my eyebrow raised, "oh sorry." She quickly pulls her hand away from me. "I'm Christy." I say softly.

"It's nice to meet you." Natalie says, but then quickly adds, "I'm getting this impression that you don't like me very much." I can't help but smile at her comment.

"It's nothing against you, I just don't get along with girls very much." I tell her. Natalie nodds and everyone starts to pile in for class.


After school, Niall had drove me home so I can get on to my studies. He asked me again if I was abe to hangout and go to the party tonight. I, again, said no. I really have to study if I want to persue my dream of going to University.

Hours and hours pass of just studying and rewriting notes. I look at the clock and its only 8:30. I haven't had anything to eat since lunch so I decide to go get an orange from the kitchen. I see my fathers office door open a crack letting a string of light shine through. I can hear him talking to someone on the phone. Maybe a client or co-worker or something. I try not think think anything of it.

Suddenly, I hear him yell, "WELL FUCK YOU!" I stop in my tracks scared to walk further. He storms out of his office and turns to me. 

"What the fuck are you looking at?" he slurs. I'm not scred of much but being around my father when he's drunk in frightening enough for me. "N-nothing." I stutter not wanting to make eye contact.

"Were you listening to my conversation?" he asks me stepping closer to me. I take a step back continuing to look at my feet.

"No father. I wasn't."

"LIAR!" he screams. My father grabs me by the forearm and pulls me into his office. He ebgins to beat me like he always does when he's drunk. He repeatedly punches me in the arm and stomach. After each blow I become more and more numb to the pain. The tears that had started to form slowly disappear. My father continues to spit words at me. He continues to beat me for what seems like hours, but only minutes have past.

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