Chapter 5

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I don't know what happened. I just couldn't find enough air to breathe. All I know is that I had to get out of there. 

A girl comes into the toilets and tapped me on the shoulder, "Hey, are you okay, sweetie?" I try to gather all of the air I can. "I'm fine. I just needed to get some air." I say softly wiping away any stray tears. 

"Oh, okay. Some bloke sent me to look for you to make sure you were okay." The girl tells me. It couldn't be, could it?

"Let me guess," I begin, "this bloke has curly brown hair?"

"Yeah." The girl looked at me like I was reading her mind. I continued anyway, "With green eyes, right?" "Yeah, that's him." She tells me. I knew Harry had something to do with it. I laughed slightly at his attempt to care about me.

"You can tell him that I'm alright. Just needed a bit of air." I tell the kind girl, who then left to go back to class. Since I had my books with me, I stood to my feet and walked to the lunch room where I spotted Zayn with his head down on our table. I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. His head shot up and he immediately regretted it.

Zayn places his hand over his forehead, "Some party that was. Hey, did you walk in on me fucking some girl?" I feel my face flare, the embarrassment of walking in on him and another girl having sex is still clear in my mind. 

"Sorry, yeah I did. I was looking for the bathroom and then I got curious." I say laughing at the end. "Okay good becuase if it wasn't you then that would have just been weird." Zayn says to me. I sit next to him and he starts telling me about what had happened to him last night. I start to zone out when I catch Niall in the corner of my eye.

Niall walks over to us when I notice he's wearing sunglasses. "What's with the sunglasses, man?" Zayn asks for me. Without a word Niall lifts the sunglasses revealing his dark rimmed and bloodshot eyes. He must still be too hungover to speak. This usually happens with him for some reason. If he's had to much to drink the night before he won't say anything to any of us the following day.

"Christy, how was your night?" Zayn asks me. I remember most of it but not all. "I remember being hit on by plenty of guys," I laugh, "and walking in on you having sex. But other than that nothing really special happened." I half lie. I mean, I did meet Harry and Louis, but it's not all that special, is it?

"Oh, that's a bummer. We need to find you a bloke that'll have some fun with you, Christy." My heart sinks at Zayn's words. I can't have a repeat of last time. He notices the change in my face and leans in to whisper something in my ear, "Don't worry, it won't be like last time. You know Niall and I will be here to catch you when you fall." 

That's what I don't want to happen, Zayn. Don't you get that? I don't want you and Niall to catch me everytime I get my heartbroken. You're not going to be here forever to protect me.

I want to tell him that but I can't find it in my heart to do so. I smile instead and look back over at Niall who now has his head down on the table. I reach over and put my arm around his shoulder, kissing the top of his head.

Niall groans but I can't help but laugh, "Ni, you really shouldv'e stayed home." He then gets up and run out of the lunch room to probably throw up every toxic ounce of booze still left in his stomach.


I walk up to my house when my heart drops. My fathers home and I am about to get screamed at for being out wihout telling him last night. I swallow hard and continue to walk into the dark house.

"Father, I'm home." I call out. My father comes running down the stairs screaming at me, "Do you have any idea what you put me through last night?" Do you have any idea? I wish to tell him but go against it. "No, father I don't. I was childish and stupid. I apologise for my actions." I say with my voice low he had to step closer to me to hear.

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