Chapter 6

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How could my own father be here with another woman? If he sees me or if Laura says something to him, I'm dead. I silently pray to myself that Laura doesn't say anything. She knows why my mother left my father, but she doesn't know how controlling he is with me. 

Harry looks over at the door to see where my gaze is, "Who is that?" I turn my gaze back to Harry, "It's no one important. Well, not anymore." He doesn't look satisfied with my answer so he turns around to look back at my father. I immediately put my head down when I see my father look over at us. I pray that he didn't see us.

Moments later Laura comes out with our food. I've ordered my usual, two eggs over easy with potatos and whole wheat toast. Harry ordered Bobby's famous "Hungry Man Breakfast". Which consits of two eggs how you like it, two pieces of bacon, two pieces of sausages, and a side of beans. I always turn my nose away from beans.

She then whispers to me, "Don't worry sweetie, I won't say anything that you're here. When you're done you can stay until he leaves." She gives me a reassuring smile. "Until who leaves?" Harry chimes in. Laura has this expression on her face like she has said some top top secret. She looks at me for help, her eyes pleading for me to dig her out of the hole she's in. 

"I'll tell you later just not here, okay?" Harry nods at me then I turn back to Laura, "Thank you and tell Bobby that I'm here and also he's here, but to not come out until you say so." She nods and goes back into the kitchen to give Bobby the message.

"Okay, can you tell me now who you're talking about?" Harry, poor Harry, is so confused at what is happening, but if I let him in bad things will happen.

I knew I should have never come out this morning. How could I have not known that my father was fucking some woman? I hope to god he doesn't bring her home. If he does I'll fucking throw up. I'm feeling nauseas just thinking about it.

"Are you okay? You don't look well." I try not to mee Harry's eyes or else I might breakdown. "Yeah I'm fine.I just got dizzy for a moment." I half lie, picking at my food, no longer having an appetite. Harry scarfs down his breakfast like he hasn't eaten for days.

Every now and again I look up to see my father an the girl he is with to see how far along they are in their meal. Harry notices me looking up, but he chooses to ignore it. He probably knows that I'll say that I'll tell him later.

I still pick at my food, eating every now and then. I'm not too big on eating breakfast. Hell, I'm not even big on eating in general. I can't stand the feeling of having a full stomache. Before I can think too deeply, Harry pulls me out of my thoughts, "Are you even hungry? You're not eating much and I'm already done." He says looking back and forth from his plate to mine.

"I promise I'm fine." I say with a smile, "I just don't eat breakfast that much." Harry looks at me like I have five eyes or something. "What?! How could you not eat breakfast? It's the most delicious meal of the day!" Harry exclaims. I let out a small laugh at his exaggeration. 

"I like your laugh." Harry comments. I snap out of the laugh, "What?" He looks at me with embarrassment then rubs the back of his neck with his hand.

"I don't know, I just really like your laugh. It's nice to listen to." The redness in his face dissappaers as fast as it came when Laura makes her way over to our table. I did eat a little more but not much.

"Can I take everything?" She says with a smile. "Um yeah, sure." I say and hand her my plate. When Harry hands her his she leans down to whisper in my ear, "He's almost done. He's asked for the check and I have it right here in my pocket." Then she taps her pocket with my fathers bill in it.

"Thank you." I tell her with a small smile. Come to think of it I don't think she has ever seen me smile much. I musn't have because she seems surprised when I do.

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