She Looks So Perfect

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AYEEEE back againnnn! Here is another request, and this one is for Kasey! Hope you like :)

“Calum stop!” I pushed him away to stop him from tickling me.

“You know you like it!” he objected. I did, I really did, I loved everything he did. 

He rolled over to face me “let’s play dress up” he smiled.

“What?” I giggled at the fact an 18 year old boy wanted to play ‘dress up’. He dragged me off the bed and led me to the closet throwing out things for me to change into; he literally had everything, down to underwear and socks.

“Okay here put this on.” I took the pile of clothes and went to change.

Oh the things I do.

I looked in the mirror before going back to Calum, I looked absolutely ridiculous.

“How cute am I.” I laughed. Everything was way too big, I spun around and the sweats fell from my waist down to around my ankles. ” oops.”  I shrugged and started dancing.

“You look perfect.” He breathed. “Don’t move.” He walked up to me and pressed his lips against mine. I pulled away after a second and looked back at him.

“Calum.” I giggled, “You have a little something on your face.” He looked in the mirror and saw the red lipstick smudges all around his lips.

“Pure art.” He laughed.


“This goes out to my best friend. Kasey you are literally everything to me, lub you.” Calum spoke into the microphone, getting a screech from the audience. I was front row, staring back at him as he adjusted his guitar and got ready for the bad to start.

They were preforming there new song tonight for the first time, I’m pretty sure the whole fan base already heard it, but being the way he was Calum said I had to wait till they do it live.

So here I was.

A smile grew across my face as the music started.

“Hey Hey Hey” they sang.

I bopped my head to the beat. “…But if you don’t swim you’ll drown, but don’t move honey” the girls next to me screeched and yelled at the top of their lungs.

“She looks so perfect standing there in my American apparel underwear...” I giggled at the lyrics then I froze, it hit me like a truck, the song was about the night with Calum.

Well what do you know?

I looked back at him and he winked at me from the stage.

Yeah soooo that was that. I have a few more request to do before I get back to doing regular preferences, but still feel free to leave a request, I promise it won’t take forever for me to do it!!

Thanks for reading!


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