Merlin P.O.V:

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When I had promised her that he wouldn't hurt her, she nodded to me. I opened the door to Gaius' Chambers​ and led her inside. Gaius had his back to the door when we entered.
"Ah, Merlin," he said as he started turning around. "You're back earl..." He stopped when he saw Heilyn. He spoke to her: "Hello, young lady. What's your name?"
Heilyn curtseyed to him and replied: "Hello, sir. My name is Heilyn Emmanuel. Could you perhaps tell me where I am?"
Gaius chuckled. "I am no knight, child. My name is Gaius. You are in my chambers."
"Why do you have chambers, rather than a room?" she asked him.
"My dear, I am the Court Physician. I need chambers in order to store all of my herbs and remedies."
"So, you're this school's doctor, then?"
Gaius and I looked to each other. We weren't in a 'school', we were in Camelot. "Heilyn," I told her, "we're not in a 'school'. We're in Camelot."
"Is that an elitist academy in Albion's culture?" she asked us. "My school certainly is."
"Where exactly are you from, Heilyn?" Gaius asked.
"I'm from Britain's School of Albion Culture." She seemed to think that was a reasonable answer. "My twin and I had pity scholarships, which meant that we couldn't learn about the higher society's culture and only about the life of a servant."
"What is 'Britain'?" I asked, confused.
She looked at me oddly, as if I was teasing her. When she looked into my eyes, something seemed to click. "You really don't know, do you?" she whispered. "This can't have just been a space-hop..." she muttered to herself.
"I beg your pardon?" I asked, assuming that I had misheard her.
"Oh, sorry!" she exclaimed. "I read too much science-fiction... Never mind, carry on." She stood waiting for me to say something. Then, she slapped her head. "It was me, wasn't it!" I nodded, not sure what she was talking about. "So, Britain. Wow, this is hard. Britain is a collection of Scotland, Wales and England. It's just the name for the isle itself."
"By England, do you mean Albion?"
"Umm, yeah, I guess."
"Where is this school of yours?" I asked. If we knew where it was, we could possibly return​ her to the school.
"It's on the outskirts of Wolverhampton, just off the Tetenhall Road..." Her voice trailed off when she looked at me and Gaius. "You do know where I'm talking about, don't you?" she asked, obviously hoping that we'd say yes and that we knew exactly where this Wolverhampton was.
"What's Wolverhampton?" I asked, slowly.
There was knock on the door to Gaius' Chambers. "Come in," Gaius called to whoever was waiting outside. The door opened and Gwen, the Lady Morgana's maid, walked in.
As the door had swung open - I hadn't noticed, but - Heilyn had ran away from the door. She had run up the two or three stairs to my room, opened the door and hid inside. I only noticed that she'd moved when I heard my door creak shut.
"Sorry, Gwen, I will be with you in a second," I apologised quickly, before rushing up to the door to my room. As I tried to open it, I found it jammed shut. I knocked on the door. "Can I come in my room please, Heilyn?" I asked, keeping my voice as level and unthreatening as possible.
I tried the door again and I was able to enter. As soon as I was inside, she slammed the door shut behind me. She had propped my chair against the door, to prevent me from being able to enter. She moved the chair back to the door, not looking at me, then hurried to a corner and huddled in it, pressing her back as close to the wall as she could.
I took a step towards her, in an attempt to comfort her. She whimpered and huddled further into the room's corner.

When Confronted By Myth...  (A BBC Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now