Heilyn P.O.V:

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* Time skip*
It had been two weeks since I had suddenly appeared in Camelot. Prince Arthur had been kind enough to allow me to clean the floors of his room, so that I wasn't jobless.
Every time Arthur wasn't in the room, Merlin insisted that he should do it for me and told me to go and help Gaius instead. I didn't go and help Gaius, though, because we needed to make it look like I was working if Arthur comes in.
Since getting to know the two better, I knew that Arthur wouldn't really care if I wasn't doing the work, so long as I was nearby, in case someone who would be less forgiving came in. However, I knew that I had to do the work by hand - as I had in my own time - as Arthur wouldn't let me remain working in his quarters, knowing that I had my powers. Neither would his father, who would kill me for me having my 'gift'.
And so it was that, two weeks after my mysterious arrival in Camelot, Merlin and I were both working in Arthur's chambers. It was one of the few days when I had insisted on doing the work alongside him. So, when Arthur re-entered his quarters, the first thing he saw was Merlin and I, kneeling on our own halves of the floor, scrubbing furiously with brushes that collected a maximum of a fifth of the dirt on the floor.
I had just sighed to Merlin, just before Arthur had entered, that even though the equipment was new, it still wouldn't work properly.
Hence, Merlin was laughing as Arthur walked in through the door. He stopped as he saw Arthur, so he couldn't ask what was going on. Merlin also started to rise as Arthur entered the room. I wanted to turn to look, but felt like I would be scolded by a superior.
Merlin signalled for me to rise and look at the door, so I did, immediately. At the door was the King himself. As he entered the room, Merlin bowed. I curtseyed as low as I could, being careful not to make eye contact with him, as I felt like that would be wrong.
He told us both to straighten up. To stop bowing/curtseying. We obeyed immediately. I kept my eyes directed away from the king's at all times. I mean, that was just normal, wasn't it? That was etiquette, wasn't it? I had no idea and it terrified me.
"Arthur," the king started to speak. "I heard that a girl around your age came to Camelot over a week ago."
"That is correct, father."
"Where was she from?"
"An inconsequential village many miles away, I believe, father."
"You are unsure​?"
"I am not aware of the extreme specifics."
"So how did you come to offer her a job in the castle​?"
"Merlin claimed to recognise her as someone trustworthy that he knew a while ago."
"So you gave a random girl a job because your Manservant said that she was trustworthy?!"
"Yes, father."
Arthur sounded as terrified as I felt. I felt like I was going to collapse at any moment because my legs were shaking so much. Merlin looked at me, momentarily, before taking my hand and giving it a tight squeeze. He was trying to reassure me. I had to calm down, or my secret would come out, again. I thought of my sister and tried to calm down.
"Where can I find this girl?" the king asked his son.
It wasn't working. No matter how much I thought about my sister, I could not calm myself. Then Merlin squeezed my hand again. I felt myself start to relax and calm. My legs stopped shaking so much. I didn't start to hyperventilate. I was okay.
"Umm, father," Arthur muttered. "She is right here, alongside Merlin."
Merlin gave my hand another quick squeeze, then let go as the king turned from the prince to the two of us.
"What is your name, girl?" he asked me, once he had turned around.
"I am Heilyn Emmanuel, sire."
"How did you know my son's manservant?"
"We were friends when we were younger, sire."
"Yes, sire. I would help Merlin and his mother in their small fields, and Merlin taught me how to write, sire."
"I see," the king uttered. He turned to Merlin. "So, when your friend turned up in Camelot, you decided to help her again?"
"Yes, sire. I would trust her with my life, sire." A/N ~ At this point, the stuff with the poison in the chalice has happened, making Merlin a more believable servant.
"I see. So, if something goes awry in relation to this girl, you will take the blame because you knew her when you were younger?"
"Yes, sire. Should anything happen, I accept full responsibility."
"Merlin!" I quietly whispered to him. He needn't have done that, for me!
Merlin turned to face me. "I accept full responsibility for her." Then, he returned to face the king. "Sire," he added, bowing slightly. I curtseyed, trusting Merlin to be bowing at the right time. He told us to stop bowing/curtseying. We did, almost immediately.
"That will be all. You may return to your jobs." Then, the king left the room and shut the door behind him.
As soon as the king had left, I collapsed onto the floor that I had been cleaning, shaking slightly. Merlin sat down beside me on the floor and pulled me into a hug. "It's okay, Heilyn. It's okay," he muttered to me, on repeat - as if he was a record, stuck in one place. I hugged him back, pulling him as close to me as I could.
Eventually, I was able to function again. "You... Thank you, Merlin. You didn't need to do that for me," I whispered to him.
"Any time, Heilyn, any time," he whispered in reply, starting to pull us out of the hug. "Come on," he added, a bit louder, "let's do as we're told and get back to work."
Merlin and I started to clean the floor once more. Then, I realised that Arthur was stood there. I glanced up and saw his eyes flicker between me, Merlin and the door.
When he realised that Merlin and I were watching him, he said to Merlin: "I am going to ummm... polish something. Merlin, you're in charge until either her shift ends or I return... Whichever happens first..."
Then he hastily attempted to leave the room. He missed the door twice before he actually left. Then, he was physically incapable of shutting the door properly, so I offered to do it for him. He said he was fine, then finally managed to shut the door.

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