Inter P.O.V:

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Heilyn P.O.V:
Coincidentally, my shift ended before Arthur returned to his room. Merlin joined me at the end of my shift, saying that his day didn't really end until Arthur was asleep. He told me this so that I wouldn't try to stop him from leaving the room with me.
He knew how close I had come to exposing my powers in front of the King today. And he wasn't about to let it happen again.

Merlin P.O.V:
After I'd finished with Heilyn at the end of her shift, I decided that she needed help. She needed to be able to control her secret if she was going to survive without it getting her killed. So I told Gaius that we would probably not return to the castle before nightfall and so to not provide food for us.
I went to the kitchens and prepared a small picnic that I could carry with us. Then, I went to Heilyn's room, to invite her on a ride in the woods.

Heilyn P.O.V:
When Merlin knocked on my door, I originally had the irrational thought that the King had changed his mind and was kicking me out of the castle. When I heard Merlin's voice say my name, I hurried to the door, pushing the thought out of my mind.
"Sorry, Merlin," I muttered, opening the door, "I had been trying to sleep."
From one look at me, he threw that story out of the window.
"For someone who habitually avoids the truth, that was a terrible lie," he smiled to me. "I was wondering, on that note, if you wanted to come on a ride in the woods."
"Would it be just you and me?" I asked, not sure what he was trying to suggest.
"Yes. I thought the peace and emptiness of the woods would be useful for you," he slowly elaborated, as if labouring his point. If I thought about it, I thought that I was able to guess what this idea was about.
"Umm... Sure. Why not, then? It's not like I had anything planned."
In truth, I was just going to spend the night awake, desperately trying to contact the future and my sister, to let her know what was happening to me. I had been trying this, every other night since I arrived, to no avail. 'If I'm gonna be stuck here for the foreseeable future, I may as well ask the resident Warlock a few questions,' I thought.
"Okay, so I know that I said that I had been trying to sleep, but I may not have been doing that..." I looked in his eyes and smiled, knowing full-well that he had already made me for that lie. He smiled back.
"Really? You don't say!" he replied, smiling back to me. "Come on," he added, holding up a basket, "I packed food."
"Okay, sure. But does it have to be a ride?" I asked. "I have never been any good with horses."
Merlin laughed. "Okay then, we won't go riding. We'll just walk, instead."
I grabbed a cloak that Merlin had lent to me from a cabinet and followed him from my room.

Merlin P.O.V:
We walked through the woods for a while, until we were far enough in that I was confident that no one would see us.
That sounds a bit wrong. Sorry. Anyway, we stopped by the lake Avalon. I put down the basket on a tree branch before taking her over to the waterside. "I would love to have been able to come here whenever I needed to," I told her, conversationally. She looked at me, confused.
"For what?" she asked, after a little while of confusion.
"Well, it's such a calming atmosphere and so on. I, for one, would have loved to have been able to practise and learn to control my abilities somewhere like here," I explained, sitting down on the pebbles on the shoreline. They weren't the most comfortable things to sit on, but they were better than nothing.
"Really?" she asked, incredulously. "You want me to practise magic out here?" She was whispering, terrified of getting caught. "Out in the open, where anyone could see?" I saw her emotions start to boil over again, but I let them, knowing that I had already made sure that no one was nearby to see.
She started to hyperventilate. It was the worst I'd seen her since her first day in Camelot. But she needed to let it out, else it would consume her. She started to shake. I noticed that a few flat, rounded pebbles near her also started shaking. She took a deep breath in, which shuddered as it caught in her throat. One pebble that had been shaking started to rise. The others stopped shaking quite so much.
Instinctively, she put her hand out towards the pebble. Her hand acted as if it were holding the pebble. I watched, intrigued as to what would happen. With a swift flick of her wrist, she simultaneously calmed herself, displayed what she could do, and used her magic to throw a pebble at the lake. It had enough power behind it that, as it first hit the water, it bounced. And then, it bounced again, the next time. And the next few more times. All in all, I'd guess that it bounced around six or seven times. This activity seemed to have calmed her immensely, as she was no longer shaking or hyperventilating. She turned to face me and smiled, proud of her achievement.
Then, her smile faded. "Why didn't you stop me?" she exploded. "Someone could have seen! I could be on my way to be tried right now!" I had to admit, I didn't enjoy seeing Heilyn so angry. "Why did you do it?"

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