Lack of Voice

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Disclaimer: I do not own OP or any of the characters involved.

A/N: Alright, this is technically chapter two I guess, though the plot really starts here hah... Whoops. I'm going to try to crank out the first few chapters today while I can. Then maybe i'll sit down and actually plot this all out.


OH! Should also probably warn you guys that language will be used within this story. Nothing too vulgar though, don't worry.

"It was huge! Really, you should have seen it! Nami said that it was pretty small, but everyone knows that she's crazy. think it was the biggest thing I've ever seen!"

Luffy logic at it's finest...

Ace sighed, shooting a small smile towards the living room where Luffy's continued rambling could be heard over the drone of the TV, and pretty much everything else really... Impossible to shut up, that kid. Not that he could really be considered a kid anymore. He was what, nineteen now? Almost twenty? Too old if you asked him, though no one did of course.

Another sigh and Ace reached across the counter to snatch the remote from the small wicker basket where it lay almost comfortably. He flicked up the volume absentmindedly, only really half paying attention to both his brother and the show now blasting from the screen across the room. It was some sci-fy show that Lu would typically be going nuts over. He was far too distracted by the matter at hand though, or to be specific, the slim phone he held to his ear.

It was just a field trip to the museum and yet that kid felt it necessary to call one of his friends and annoyingly blast his amazement towards whichever unfortunate friend was at his mercy tonight. No matter, Luffy was in the other room anyway. Ace was sure to get the whole speal later on as well. That always seemed to be how it worked. If something, anything exciting, were to happen to Lu at some point during the day, Ace would undoubtedly hear about it over dinner. Dinner, which happened to consist of leftover pizza and an assortment of microwavable goods tonight.

Hey, whatever worked. Not like Luffy was going to complain.

It's not that money was necessary a hard thing for them, it was just easier this way. No, money hadn't been an issue for a few years now, made obvious by the roof over their heads and the clothes on their back. Would be even better if Sabo were still-

Ace shut the thought down, an angry noise dying off at the back of his throat as he turned to slam closed the microwave door. It shuddered slightly upon impact and Ace continued to glare at it, as if daring the machine to voice his unspoken thoughts.

Sabo was a tough subject in this household. Nearly ten years spent together and he had just kinda...split. Okay, no. That wasn't really the truth. He got a job, some business out of town that sounded promising. Luffy would argue that the check sent in the mail every month was Sabo's way of saying sorry, but Ace was having none of it. You don't just leave your two brothers behind to-

Two arms wrapped around him from behind and Ace visible defalted, thoughts dwindling, shattering to pieces under the weight of his own mental exhaustion.

"It's fine, Lu. Go back to your call." Ace ran a hand across his face, only barely glancing back to meet the too dark eyes of the teenager before glancing away again. It was obvious that Luffy didn't believe a word of it, but just like always, he dropped it, letting be the topic they both knew to be on hand.

"Dinner in five. Go set the table or I'll eat it all without you." That certainly got him moving again. It was an empty threat of course, but it at least lightened the mood slightly once more. Ace forced a small smile, ignoring the thoughts of the blonde that rose up once more.

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