Wrong to Right

973 38 15

Disclaimer: I do not own OP or any of the characters involved.

A/N: Oh man, you guys are giving me nervous jitters damn it. I'm not used to this and the sudden reader count is scaring me. Don't kill me...

If Sabo was anything, he was consistent. Within ever 24 hours there was at least some semblance of attempted contact. Whether out of need or habit, Ace wasn't sure, but it was just the way things had been ever since he left. There was always something- so, to go nearly two full days without even a text... It was disconcerting and not exactly doing wonders for Ace's nerves.

Ace flipped the phone absentmindedly, paying no heed to the wondering glances tossed his way as he sat atop the bar stool.

Up and down. Up and down. He flipped it, twirling it in his hand before sliding it back into his pocket. Maybe five minutes would pass before it was out and in his hand once more.

Up and down.

It was a wonder Thatch hadn't snapped at him earlier.

"Will you put that damn thing down and look at me, Ace? I don't think you've heard a single thing I've said this past hour..." Ace blinked, turning his head to glance at his friend. He was right. Well, of course he was. Thatch wouldn't spout that kinda stuff out of nowhere. With a sigh, Ace finally allowed his phone to still, placing the white iPhone face down atop the counter as he propped up his head with one arm.

"Sorry... Just been kinda-"

"Distracted?" Thatch chimed in, snorting indignantly at the raven as he reached for his own glass of...ale? It was probably ale. "That's an understatement if I've ever heard one. What's on your mind?" Because there was obviously something.

Ace didn't dignify him with a proper response, more of a frustrated groan as his head dropped to rest against the cool wood. Dark eyes still open, they glared into the counter a moment before softening and finally falling shut. "I don't know man... It's just-" he sighed. "A lot of things I guess. I'm tired." It didn't take a genius to realize he wasn't talking about the time of night.

A hand moved to ruffle his hair and Ace's eyes peered open once more. "Hey, if you're not ready to talk then don't. It's a simple as that." Thatch rose from his stool with a smile Ace was relieved to see actually reach his eyes. He meant it and Ace was grateful for it, sentiment returned in kind with a small smile of his own.

There was no need to voice his thanks.

Another round of drinks later and both were on their way once more.


Ace nearly fell off his bed at the familiar buzzing noise, legs tangled in blankets as he made a lunge and missed. The next attempt proved successful as a finger slid across the touchscreen and allowed the bright light to temporarily blind his sleepy eyes as he struggled to make out the sender.

Curly Bastard

[text] Coming back soon

Silence. It washed through the room and crashed against Ace like a raging storm. The phone clattered against his small side table once more, Ace staring down at it as one hand moved to brush messy locks from his face. He continued to stare, not fully grasping the ends of his own flickering emotions as he struggled to crawl into true wakefulness.

Sabo was coming home.

There wasn't exactly a specific time or date, but it was as close as a promise from the blonde as he was going to get. Two days without an attempt at contact and now this.



A soft buzz. It was nearly missed as sleep began to drag at his mind, the sheer foreignness of the noise the only thing capable of drawing him back. Slowly, blue eyes peeled open to stare at the illuminated phone not far from his head. An even longer moment passed before he worked up the effort to move.

Pepper Face

[Text] Good.

Shock was slow to fade as the text stared him in the face. Honestly, he had begun to think that Ace had changed his number. The last time he had received any kind of response from him had been... What? Two months? Maybe two and a half.

The smile was small, fleeting and fragile, but a smile nonetheless as Sabo once more allowed himself to sink into the comfort of sheets.

A/N: Yeah, it's pretty short, but that's only because I'm splitting it half. Here- Have something kinda happy

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