Smile, Will You?

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Disclaimer: I do not own OP or any of the characters involved.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the last few chapters. Things are finally starting to happen and I've got plans for the future~

It was nice to be in his own clothes again. Despite the unusual scent of detergent, his clothes were fine, missing the small stain of blood that had been present the last time he ha worn them. Even with the too strong scent, it was heaven compared to those damn blue slacks he had been forced to wear. The comfort of his own jeans. Now if only he had his phone.

Still, it was understandable that he wouldn't have that on his person, what with Luffy doing the smart thing and calling the ambulance. Still, it was a weight he was unaccustomed to going without and one he was keen to have at his side once more. All in due time.

The figure that stared back at him through the mirror was a stranger and not one Ace was looking forward to.

His hair was a mess, and that was coming from him, dark locks tangled in places and messy with what little sleep he had gained last night. Well, little in his opinion. Narcolepsy had eventually dragged him down into the deep, welcomed with open arms for what might be the first time in his life. Still, the dark bags beneath equal dark eyes were a pain to see, pulling a sigh from Ace as he rubbed softly at his left eye once before bending down to splash water into his face. Towel dry and he stepped out from the bathroom once more, relieved to leave his reflection behind.

He didn't make it even half way back to his room.

A figure came running at him, plowing straight into his chest and knocking Ace back a step as rather thin arms wrapped tightly around his neck. He clung there much like a monkey would as Luffy's legs wrapped around his torso, efficiently cutting off the majority of Ace's mobility- not that he cared at the moment. Words were muffled into his shirt but Ace merely laughed as he wrapped his arms around his brother in turn. It was easy to push the past day aside with something else to focus on.

Or someone.

Luffy was practically ripped from his arms, a sharp noise of complaint mixed with a whine ringing in the air. Ace didn't even have time to blink before two hands were gripping his cheeks. "Uhh-" His head was forcefully turned to the side, hands then pulling his head forward before turning it the other way. "Oi." Ace moved a hand upwards only for it to be quickly slapped away as the hands instead moved to grip his shoulders tightly. "HEY!"

Having reached his breaking point, there was no hesitation this time as Ace rose a hand to slap the back of the other's head. None too gently of course.

"Will you cut it out and let me speak, Sabo?!" He sucked in a deep breath, irritation illuminated in his dark eyes as he pulled away from the still silent blonde. God damn it. How long had it been and this was how they met again? It was enough to drive him crazy.

"You okay...?" The words were soft and Ace almost missed them.

Ace was silent a moment, too long in Sabo's opinion obviously. His brows furrowed and Ace held his gaze stubbornly. "I'm-"

"YOU WERE BLEEDING!" Luffy seemed to have recovered enough from the initial shock of seeing his brother up and walking around once more. Ace was thankful for the excuse to look away as he turned to Luffy instead. He could feel Sabo's eyes on him, that same shiver from yesterday sliding up his spine as he swallowed.

And then he smiled, ever the smile he always flashed as he met Luffy's eyes.

He had an entire night to perfect that smile after all.

A step was taken forwards, brushing the hands still on his shoulders aside. Another step forward and then a shout of protest as Ace's fist met with the top of Luffy's head. "Ace! Why wou-"

"YOU TOOK ME TO A FUCKING HOSPITAL!" Ace completely ignored the looks tossed their way at his shout, ignored the eyes still on his back. It was almost too easy to slip the mask in place, hiding behind anger and irritation instead of everything else. Another brick in the wall he was rapidly building up around both his heart and mind. Even from the two he held closer than any others. No. Especially from these two.

"But you were-" Again Ace cut the younger raven off, rocking back on his heels as he released a heavy sigh of exasperation.

"Leave it to you to overreact. I bet you worked the whole thing up again. It was just a little blood Lu. Nothing you haven't seen before." There was a heavy silence in the air, Luffy's face scrunched up into an almost comical expression of confusion and worry. A pang shot through his chest, sharp and deep. his look was too similar to the one he had seen upon everyone's face's yesterday. It was a hundred times worse to see that same expression mirrored upon his brother's face though.

Something must have slipped in his expression in that moment because a sudden change morphed Luffy's face, surprise and then something else. Both were gone before he could pinpoint exactly what it was that Luffy had seen or felt, because instead a wide grin spread across the younger's face, wiping away what had once been there. "Shishishi!"

That familiar laugh was nearly enough to shatter Ace's entire world.

He hit him again, hurrying past Luffy without another glance as he stuffed his hands deep into his pockets. Ace was far too aware of the blonde walking at his side and the scrambling of feet behind him as Luffy struggled to catch up.

Ace stared blankly ahead, willing the sting in his eyes away.

A/N: Another rather short one compared to the last few chapters, and not my favorite. Still, it was something i had to get out. For those of you waiting for some great, big reunion, don't worry, the feels will come~

Next chapter is going to be if not entirely, mostly in Sabo's POV

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