Sharp and Silent

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Disclaimer: I do not own OP or any of the characters involved.

A/N: Wow! I honestly wasn't expecting so many readers so quickly! You guys are doing wonders to my confidence levels. Wasn't really planning on getting another chapter out today, but you guys convinced me otherwise~

'They're downstairs.'

They, not he. A minor difference to most, but to Ace- It spoke volumes.

He sat there, numb as stormy eyes glared holes into the wall across from him, trying and failing to completely ignore the panic that welled up like a great beast from his chest. What an odd mix of both dread and anticipation, like a cold chill crawling up the back of his spine. It sank, a great weight that dropped his heart into his stomach as Ace swallowed thickly. His throat was suddenly too dry, the air too heavy.

And yet he made no move.

How could he when his very thoughts froze him in place? A rough chunk of ice waiting to be sculpted- Sharp planes of frost keeping most, but not all at bay. That was how he felt in this moment, and he wasn't ready to face the blade.

Something snapped into place in his mind, a puzzle piece finally sliding into it's proper place. Ace threw the blankets rather carelessly aside as long legs were to swung to the side and away from the comfort of sheets and warmth. The slight chill was immediate as bare feet made contact with the cool floor beneath but there was no time to think about minor complications like that with the greater weight of his situation pressing down firmly atop his broad shoulders.

Faded blue met his eyes and Ace pushed aside the indignant distaste that rose in the back of his throat at the sight of the hospital slacks and shirt so anoyyingly replacing his own clothes. Efficient and annoying. Just another reason to avoid places like these like the plague. Hell, even if he had the plague, he'd still avoid a trip here or anywhere like here. It just wasn't the norm of things. He had gone through countless childhood years without proper medical care and he had turned out just fine. What difference would it make now? Certainly not enough to keep him here with not one, but two possibly worried siblings waiting for him downstairs.

Yeah, that was a mess all on it's own. Unconscious a mere few hours and he misses the welcoming committee by a landslide.

Welcome home, Sabo. Hope you had a nice flight.

Where's Ace? Oh, he's in the fucking hospital.

Yep. Nothing quite like that.

Growling under his breath, Ace disentangled himself from the few pesky cords so rudely forced upon his unconscious form, only hesitating a moment to glance at the heart monitor screen before ripping away that technology as well. There was a smug satisfaction as the line went dead, the hollow tone of 'death' mocking him as he moved to stand. That was sure to ring a few bells around this place. Not that he really cared. Tests or not, he was getting the hell out of here and no one was about to-

The door clattered open, a flustered looking man in white staring him down with a look that rapidly morphed from worry to irritation. "Mr. Portgas... Please sit down. Your results will be up momentarily." His face was red, whether from anger or short breath Ace couldn't tell. Still, it was a funny sight. He looked like a lobster.

Ahh, speak of the lobster and he shall come.

"I don't need them." Ace huffed, running long fingers through his hair as he took another handful of steps forward. "Look, I just passed out. I really don't see what all the fuss is about. Is there something I have to sign to get out of here, or can I just leave?"

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