relizing heartbreak

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A smile tugged at my lips as I watched Sehun chatter around the party, greeting his sunbae's and hoobae's with that beautiful bright smile of his I adore. I didn't have a problem with him being extra friendly to some of his beautiful female label-mates because I knew that I had nothing to worry about; none of the other idols were a threat to me.

There was only one person that struck fear into my heart.

"Sunbaenim, you're not going to dance with Sehun?"

My eyes shifted to meet brown ones and I offered the owner a small- strained smile. You've noticed how it was becoming quite difficult to offer her a genuine smile these days. "No, I really just feel like observing today. How about you? You're not going to dance with any other?"

She shook her head, "I don't have anyone in mind and I don't really feel like dancing at the moment either."

"Oh, I see."

Actually I didn't have a problem with her, she was honestly a very nice person. It's just- I was afraid of her, afraid of what she could do.

Even though I know Sehun is my boyfriend, and I know that he loves me dearly, I just wasn't entirely sure that he was in love with me.

It was the way I noticed how he would look at her, and how obvious the signs he showed of developing feelings for her.

Multiple times, I would find myself wondering why Sehun was dating me. My mind going wild with reasons that maybe it was because he thought that she didn't return his feelings - I've often wondered that too, making me even more insecure, but the answer still remains unknown.

Suho always tried to reassure me that I was only being foolish to even think such a thing, but even with his words of comfort, it did little to convince me from what I can already see with my own eyes. I knew Sehun well enough that at times I would think that I know him better than myself. It's as if he was a part of me, yet I knew that his heart didn't belong to me- not anymore, even if he said it did.

"Sunbaenim? Are you okay?"

My hands tightly clenched around my dress before releasing the material. My teary eyes were met with her sweet worried gaze, and with a sad and yet reassuring smile. I swallowed the lump of pain that was screaming to be released before I replied, "I-I think I'm just not feeling well today. I think I'll going to head home early, can you please inform everyone of my absence?"

"Of course. I hope you feel better." With a gentle hug from her, I tried to stop the tears that so-desperately wanted to be let go.

She really is a good person, and no matter how hard I could try, I couldn't bring myself to hate her. Even if I wanted to- even if I said I did, I knew I would be lying through my teeth.

Because I love Sehun, and Sehun loves her.

How could I possibly hate the person that made my beloved so happy?

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