not me but you

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You stepped out of the steamy shower and dried yourself off before pulling Sehun's long oversize t-shirt over your small body. It smelled like him, and you couldn't wait to finally get some intimate time with him tonight. But as you step out of the bathroom, you saw your boyfriend sprawled out on the bed, fast asleep. You were disappointed, but you knew he was tired from the recent activities and schedules, so you trotted over to turn off the light and quietly slid into bed beside him.

"Babe," you whispered as you nuzzle into his neck. Sehun let out a heavy breath, turns over on his side facing you, but doesn't wake up. Wanting just a bit of his attention before calling it a night, you lift his arm and slid underneath. As if it was instinct, Sehun shifted so that you were comfortably sandwich in between his arms and pressed against his chest, head tucked under his chin.

"You didn't dry your hair." he whispers. Finally he's awake, you thought, but feeling guilty at the same time.

"You're awake?" you innocently questioned.

"Hmm, how do I sleep if you keep shifting on the bed?"

Pouting at his comment, thinking to yourself that you were only annoying him, you kept quiet and held your breath, not wanting to move, even if it's the heaving of your chest at every inhale and exhale.

"That doesn't mean I don't want you to breathe, pabo." Sehun said as his hands gently grabs your cheeks forcing you to open your mouth, and kiss your protruding lips. You finally exhale as Sehun releases you and chuckles. His eyes, still closed shut when you peeked up at him.

"You're going back to sleep?"

"Yes, but is there something you want?" he asks into the night.

After moments of contemplating, you decided, "Just one kiss?"

"Just one?" Sehun challenges.

"Just one," you plead.

Sehun shifted and rested his forearm on your side, while one arm still rest underneath your head. His eyes stare into yours before he leans in and closed the distance. Greedy for his touch, your hand moves to the nape of his neck pulling him in to deepen the kiss. Your tongue runs along the bottom of his lips, parting them as he grants permission for your tongue to intertwine with his. Not offering you dominance any longer, Sehun pushed back against your lips as he sucks them swollen and red. You leaned away slightly gasping for air, while he rests his forehead against yours, his breath still lingering against your wet swollen lips.

"I don't think you want just one kiss." He smirks, before reconnecting with you once more. You internally celebrate the change in events, pushing your guilt aside because you weren't the one to initiate this, it was Sehun.

You simply asked for just one kiss.

PETER PAN ≫ O. SEHUNWhere stories live. Discover now