Can't Hold Us

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It took all of us around five and a half hours to fully set up all of the equipment. For the first half an hour I worked with Avi, Mitch, and Scott. We worked quietly, with the occasional question from Mitch and Scott about myself, up untill Kirstie walked over and asked me to help her and Kevin. Avi didn’t look like the happiest person when I agreed, but I told him that I’d be back.

Kevin, Kirstie, and I worked together for a good two hours. Kirstie and I quickly became friends due to the fact that the both of us are random and hyper. Kevin was quiet while Kirstie and I talked, until our conversation turned to Avi. Kirstie and Kevin told me that Avi was currently getting over having to dump his previous girlfriend, because he found out that she was cheating on him about four months ago. According to Kirstie, meeting and talking to me had gotten Avi to cheer up a bit. Also apparently he thinks I’m a nice and caring girl, unlike his ex. Hearing that made me extremely happy, considering that I’m a huge fan of his. Kevin also added that Avi and Scott have been arguing over the fact that Avi hasn’t fully gotten over what his ex had done. According to Scott, Avi should just get over her and find a new girlfriend. I shook my head at this and agreed with Kevin when he said that Avi needed to move at his own pace. I also added that he shouldn’t rush into another relationship. Kirstie and Kevin looked at each other, then at me.

“Avi was right when he said you were nice.” Kirstie added and smiled. I smiled and blushed.

When I returned to Avi, he was looking miserable, and was working on his own. I bit my bottom lip, next to my black lip ring, like I always did when I lost myelf in thought. I didn’t know weather or not I should ask what was wrong, but because I truly cared I ended up thinking I should ask. I looked up at Avi, who was looking about ready to punch someone and set his microphone stand on fire. I flinched and let out a loud squeak when he threw the stand to the ground in anger. My last  relationship I was in had caused me to become slightly jumpy. My ice blue eyes were wide and I held both of my arms up slightly to protect myself. After hearing the noise I made, Avi looked at me. His angry look subsided, but quickly became apologetic and questioning.

“A-are you ok Avi?” I asked. I walked closer when I saw that the angry look on his face was gone. I wouldn't dare approach a man when he was angry.

“Yeah. S-sorry.” He replied softly as he bent over to pick up the stand.

“He’s just thinking about the past when he should be moving on.” Scott added from behind me.

“Well, excuse me for having feelings! I dated her for three years! Sorry for not being able to just, move on!” Avi shouted back, while glaring at Scott. I frowned and backed up a little when Avi’s angry look came back.

“She cheated on you! There isn’t anything to think about!” Scott was now beside me, yelling back at Avi. Before they both could start throwing their fists, I stood between them, and faced Scott.

“Hey! Avi will move on when he is ready to, okay? Don’t rush him.” I said with a calm but stern voice. I watched Scott carefully. Still ticked, but not wanting to argue anymore, he walked away and went back to work. I exhaled and turned to Avi, giving him a warm smile. Slowly he began to smile ever so slightly.

“Thanks.” He said and took a step closer to me. He looked down at me with his hunter green eyes, causing me to blush.

“Any time. I’m here if you ever need someone to talk to. I’ve been through some tough things.” I stated as I placed my hand on his shoulder. He nodded and his smile grew slightly. He gently pulled me into a hug, and I hugged back. He leaned his head toward mine and spoke softly.

“I uh, I'm sorry for scaring the living crap out of you earlier.” I looked up at Avi’s face, and he was staring down at mine. We both seemed to have been turning a shade of pink.

“It’s no big deal Avi. It’s better to take it out on an object than a person.” Avi smiled as we let go of each other. I patted his back and told him that we should get back to work. We both got back to working, and talking. We occasionally threw a joke in just for laughs; thankfully, he was back in a good mood within ten minutes of setting up again. Near the end, Scott came up to Avi and apologized for yelling at Avi.

  We finally finished all of the set up around 3:30 pm and we all sat at the edge of the stage. I looked over at Avi, who sat on my left, and smiled up at him. He smiled at me and threw his arm around my shoulder. Mitch and Kirstie, who were both sitting on my right, gave Avi and I looks as they said, ‘Awww! How cute!’, in unison. Avi and I had become pretty good friends by this point. We both enjoyed each other’s company. My crush on him had grown since I had met him yesterday, and thankfully I’ve been doing good at hiding the fact that I had a crush on him at all.

“I’m hungry.” Avi stated, causing me to laugh.

“You’re always hungry.” Scott stated, from Avi’s left side. I smiled, liking the fact that they were talking instead of yelling at each other.

“So? There is nothing wrong with that.” Avi laughed. I looked down as my own stomach protested, causing me to laugh again.

“You’re not the only one who’s hungry. I haven’t eaten anything all day.” I looked up at Avi, who was looking at me and smiling.

“Hey! Let’s go out and grab something to eat.” Avi said as he took his arm off of my shoulders and stood up. I looked up at him and he was offering his hand to me to help me up.

“Well, sounds like Avi is asking you out on a dinner date!” Mitch said while looking at me and laughing. Avi blushed as I grabbed his hand. Hearing what Mitch had said, Avi accidently pulled me up a little too hard, causing me to fly into his chest. I put my free hand up to soften the blow as I fell into him. Thinking quickly, Avi wrapped his arm around my waist so I didn’t bounce off of his chest and back onto the floor. I looked up at Avi, who was glaring at Mitch as his face turned red.

“You ok?” Avi asked, finally looking down at me. I nodded and blushed as I realized that we were still holding hands, and that we were still embracing each other.

“Y-yeah. Oh, by the way. It’s a date.” I couldn’t help but to giggle as Avi blushed a few shades darker as he looked down at me, shocked. His expression quickly turned into a smile as he let go of my waist, but not my hand. I took a small step back, and smiled back at him.

“O-oh! Sorry!” Avi stuttered as he realized he was still holding onto my hand, and he let go.

“It’s ok.” I said, giggling.

“Why don’t you take her out tomorrow also, Avi?” Asked Alicia as she approached Avi and I. I frowned, knowing exactly what she was up to.

“Ohhh boy.” I muttered, and looked down.

“I was actually hoping that we could hang out tomorrow also. Is tomorrow a special day or something?” Avi asked, laughing at my response to Alicia’s question.

“It’s nothing-“, I began, raising my index finger to protest.

“It’s Sam’s birthday tomorrow.” Alicia interrupted. The palm of my hand quickly found and covered my face.

“Oh! Ok. What time should I pick you up tomorrow?” Avi asked, smiling at me. I placed my hand back down to my side as I looked up at him and shook my head with a smile.

“Noon-ish sound ok? I want to sleep in tomorrow.” I giggled as he nodded.

“So, what are we going to do about dinner tonight?” Avi asked as he let go of my hand, and placed his on my shoulder.

“Well, we could always go downstairs to the buffet. I have enough money on me.”

“Nuh-uh. A true gentleman pays for the lady on the date.” I looked up at Avi, blushing at what he had said. I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could say anything, Avi was already walking toward the doors to the hallway.

“Hey! Wait for me!” I laughed as I chased him towards the doors. He looked back and smiled, then opened the door for me.

“Thanks Avi.” I said as I passed him and smiled.

“Not a problem.” He replied with a wide grin, then he added, “M’lady.”

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