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Sam’s P.O.V

I awoke with my face nestled into the crook of Avi’s neck, and his head rested on top of mine. I didn’t dare to move in fear of waking him up. Ever since the first run-in with David, Avi hasn’t left my side. Could it be possible that Avi had feelings for me? I mean, I knew he cared. He wouldn’t have stuck by me if he didn’t, but, did he feel the same way I did? I began to chew on my lip ring as I lost myself in my own thoughts. I closed my eyes and sighed. Avi groaned and moved his head slightly. I blushed realizing my breath must have hit his neck. Oopsie. He nuzzled his face into my hair and kissed the top of my head in his sleep, causing my blush to deepen. Maybe he’s dreaming? Wait. That’s not the first time he’s done that to me. He kissed the top of my head just before we fell asleep the night we first ran into David. Maybe it was an, ‘I like you as a friend’ kind of kiss on the head. Yeah. That’s most likely it. Out of nowhere, “Don’t you Worry Child/Save The World” by Pentatonix began to play on my cell, which made me jump slightly. Avi inhaled deeply and lifted his head. I looked up to him, to see him staring back down at me with his hair a mess, and a sleepy look on his face. His eyes were half-open and there was a crooked smile forming on his lips, causing me to blush. I looked down at my left hand, which was resting on his bare chest. I had completely forgotten he took off his shirt last night because he was getting warm. My face was pitch red at this point.

“I... uh…  Should get that.” I said, pointing to my still ringing cell. My voice was husky from just waking up. He let out a throaty chuckle, and then nodded. I reached over and answered my phone, then laid back down. As I laid down, Avi wrapped his arms back around my body.


“Hey! You wanted me to give you a wake up call.” I smiled at the familiar voice of my mum.

“Yeah, thanks.” I replied with a small chuckle.

“When do you catch your plane? Nan, Ed, and I want to see you off.” My mum asked.

“At 7:30, but we’ll be there at 7.” I said, looking over at the clock, which read 5:30.

“We’ll meet you there. I can’t wait to meet Avi.” Mum said. I giggled slightly.

“Alright. I gotta go and get ready. See you then. Love you.”

“I love you too sweetie. See you soon.” Mum replied. I hung up the phone and dropped it on the bed next to me. I wiped my face with my left hand, seeing as my right arm was still half under Avi.

“Who was that?” Avi asked in a deep, throaty tone. I looked up, to see his green eyes staring back down at me. He was propped up on his elbow and looking at me with a look of… jealousy? No, that isn’t right.

“It was my mum.” I replied. His expression relaxed, then he chuckled. I began to get out of bed, untill he pulled me back down.

“Hey! I wanna go take a shower!” I laughed. He frowned playfully and pulled me into him.

“Nope.” He chuckled as he shook his head. I looked at him and he gave me the cutest sleepy smile I had ever seen.

“I’ll drag you with me if I have to.” I stated. He raised his eyebrow at me. I blushed and giggled, realizing what I had just said.

“But I’m comfy.” He wined.

“And I need a shower.” I replied. I got up but this time he let me go. I grabbed my shower things and some clothes from one of my luggage bags and headed for the bathroom. I walked up next to the bed before entering the bathroom. I looked down at Avi and smiled.

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