We Are Young

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I woke up face first on my pillow. I lifted my face off of my pillow, only for my messy hair to cover my face. I looked to my left to where Avi usually slept, to find his spot empty. I yawned and dove back into my pillow. Maybe I could get away with an extra hour of sleep. As I closed my eyes and relaxed, someone knocked on the door. No such luck I guess.

"Hey! Sammy! Wake up!" I hear Shayla call from the other side of the door. I groaned into my pillow in protest. I really wasn't a morning person.

"What time is it?" I yelled so she could hear me.

"Nine in the morning. Kirstie, Mitch, and Scott are here for a visit." She replied as she entered the room. I sighed explosively.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." I growled as she sat down on Avi's side of the bed.

"You wouldn't be swearing like that if Avi was in this room." She stated. That was true. Around Avi, I tried to keep my swearing to a bare minimum. Because he wasn't in the room, so I could swear all I want.

"Yeah, yeah. Why am I being bugged at this hour in the morning when I could be sleeping?" I asked as I lifted my face from my pillow to look at Shayla. She took one single look at the state I was in and began to giggle. I frowned and glared at her, making her laugh even more. Eventually she calmed down from her laughing fit and spoke.

"So what's going on with you and Avi?" She asked looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and slight protectiveness. I look down and blush, hiding under my messy hair.

"We're kinda dating now." I mumbled half into my pillow not sure how she would react knowing how protective she is of me. But she has to understand that Avi would never hurt me.

"Wait your dating? Already?" She said shocked. I looked at her.

"Yes..." Was my simple response. I was surprised she hasn't figured it out yet. I mean, She's caught Avi and I kissing I don't know how many times. Then there's the twitter incident, thanks to Esther.

"How long has this been going on?!" She exclaimed. I sighed and turned my body around to sit up in the bed.

"He asked me out the day we went to his parent's house. So a little over a week ago." I explained with a smile on my face. She gave me a thoughtful look.

"I see that you're happy with him I just don't think you are ready for a relationship yet. I don't know if you can handle a relationship so soon after having to deal with David." She said looking at me questioningly.

"It's been over a year since David and I broke up. It's about time I let myself love again. Besides. Avi is nothing like that piece of scum." I complained. I got up and looked out the bedroom window. I sighed and mumbled mostly to myself, "It's nothing like when I was with him." I held my own body as the bad memories came back. Shayla sighed.

"Look Sam, I'm not saying that being with Avi is like, or is going to be like it was with David but you do have to consider the fact that he very well could hurt you whether you want to believe he will or not. I would know." she said with a sigh. I turned around to look at her with an agitated expression and tears forming in my eyes.

"How would you know? You have never had a that bad of a relationship! The worst thing that has happened to you was your boyfriend cheating on you!" I said snapping at her. Her eyes cast downwards and when she looked back up her eyes were filled with hurt and sadness. Along with what looked to be the start of tears. My expression softened once I saw the look on her face. I didn't mean to go off like I did.

"You're right I don't know what it was like to be in that relationship with David but I have had my own experience with guys... Anyways that is besides the point I just want you to be careful with a new relationship I mean he could hurt you without knowing or meaning to and then what happens? You become depressed and paranoid and your anxiety becomes higher than it already is? You don't need to go through that again and it could be worse this time, you don't know that. Avi could very well hurt you today, tomorrow, 3 weeks from now it is beyond his and your control." She said looking me dead in the eyes concern showing on her face. I sighed and looked down. I never told her the full story. I looked out into the parking lot to see the car Dad had bought for me. It reminded me of the Mustang I had in pieces around my garage.

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