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Sept. 2nd,

It's been a week since Avi asked me out. To be honest, It still feels like I'm in a dream. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought Avi would want me as his girlfriend, but look at us now. He seems happy, and I'm happy. The hype on twitter has finally slowed down, so my cell doesn't go off as much. I guess I've gotten used to it. Shayla still shy’s away from poor Kevin, who has been trying to win over her trust. He keeps asking Scott and I what to do, but neither of us can come up with anything. Tre has also been keeping in touch with Shayla. Those two are both pretty crazy, so they've pretty much began a father/daughter relationship from the beginning, which I think is awesome. Today dad wants me to head over to his place. He hired a lawyer and such to help us with the paper work to get my name changed, along with other documents. He's also trying to get me a duel citizenship so I can eventually get a place here in California. Ever since we found out the truth, dad has been very excited. For some reason, he's looking into getting me a car. He says it's to make up for lost time, but to be honest, I really don’t care about getting a new car or anything. I am honestly overjoyed to have a father that is making such an effort to be in my life. Not like Greg, who disowned me for moving out of the house. Yeah, the guy raised me, but in the end, he milked me for all I had and then tossed me aside. Because of this, I was forced to live with David untill Alicia got me work with Green Day. I didn't believe my mum's claims about personally knowing Billie Joe Armstrong untill he conformed it himself. They had eventually lost contact with each other untill I started touring with Green Day. Right now, I should be waiting for dad outside, but I wanted to get something jotted down in this journal. He's coming to pick me up to get the paperwork done. Currently I'm the only one here. Avi had made an extra key for me, since I've been practically living here for the past week. Pentatonix were out practicing and recording new songs or videos, Esther and Shayla were off doing whatever managers and assistant managers do, and Ryan was recording stuff for the PTXperience videos. I hear honking outside. Dad must be here.

Sam's P.O.V

I quickly stash my journal into one of my luggage bags then pick up my guitar case and my purse. I run out to dad after locking the door. I smiled at how excited he looked. His green eyes were vivid and wide, just like the grin on his face. I giggled and shook my head as I carefully placed my guitar in the back of his black SUV. I sat in the passenger seat and buckled myself in. I looked at dad again, who was still grinning ear-to-ear and showing his slightly crooked teeth.

"Ready kiddo?" He asked. I giggled as he used my usual nickname. It ment so much more than what it had before.

"Of corse. Let's do this!" I exclaimed. I was also pretty excited. It was evident in my voice. This caused dad to smile even wider if that was possible. During the drive to his house, we sang happily along to the radio. During any Green Day song, we were especially silly. The people who drove passed us gave us odd looks. I assumed we looked like we were crazy with the way we both were flailing about. Soon, both dad and I became quiet. I knew something was now on his mind. He turned down the radio and glanced at me.

"Hey, uh. Sorry about, y'know, not being there while you grew up." He spoke softly.

"It's not your fault." I replied. I looked at him to see that a frown had replaced his excited smile.

"Yeah well, I should have figured it out sooner. Then maybe you would have had a better childhood." He sighed.

"I don't blame you for anything. And my childhood wasn't that bad." I reassured him. He glanced at me, as if he was trying to validate my words.

"Still, it could have been better. Plus it would have been nice to watch you grow into the fine woman you have become." It looked as if he was trying to blink back tears.

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