Chapter 5

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Chaeyoung's POV

I felt wave of jealousy as this girl put her hands around Mina unnie. Who was she? Could she possibly be her girlfriend? Oh god I hope not. If she was, I'd think my little gay heart would break a little. Why am I getting so emotional and dramatic over this girl?

They seemed to really get along. I hope she's not her girlfriend. I final snapped out of my spacing out to listen in to what they were talking about.

"I'm sorry I couldn't drive you and Dahyun to school today. I hate making you guys walk," stated Nayeon.

"no worries Nayeon unnie. You and Dahyun had to be at school early for your training." Replied Mina.

"See that's why I love you, because you're so undersatanding," smirked Nayeon.

"Oh shut up,"laughed Mina.

Wow, that made a blow to my heart. I officially have a zero percent faith in my gaydar now. Literally hearing those words come from Nayeon really hurt, I was really hoping she wasn't with anyone. I heard them welcome another girl named Dahyun,but I couldn't listen in to anything else because of how bummed out I felt.

Who was I to get upset. Atleast Mina was nice to me and that her friends were to welcoming. I tried to immediately change my behavior to act friendlier.

I saw Mina and Nayeon were sitting next to each other and playing around. Nayeon would keep trying to poke her.

"You guys look cute together. How long have you two been dating?" I said with afake smile, hey at least I tried.

Nayeon immediately started laughing her ass off. Mina had a disgusted face for some reason. Then she said,

"Ewwwww nooooo! Nayeon unnie is my sister."

I had the most dumbfounded face for a few seconds before realization set in. My heart skipped a beat. If I could have I would have yelled out loud out of pure happiness. Yay,  I have a tiny chance with her now. I plan to push a little more and ask Mina a few questions. I laugh off that revaluation and say,

"Oh sorry. But are you in a relationship?"

"No worries and nope," replies Mina.

Yay I think I have a much better chance now. The bell rings shorty after and unfortunately my last two periods aren't with Mina. Mina finds out that my next class is with both Nayeon and Dahyun, her sisters, so she tells them to help me.

I immediately start up a conversation with Dahyun. She seems like a genuinely nice. I have a feeling we are going to be good friends. We finally  get to class and Nayeon had to start flirting with me, just my luck.

"So how's your first day here going beautiful. Everyone treating you right, like you deserve?" hello says giving me a charming smile.

Before I could mentally gag, Dahyun said, "Really unnie? Really?" she chuckles. "Do you have to flirt with every girl? Please tell me you're not seduced by her sappy flirting attempts Chaeyoung?"

I can't help but start laughing so much. I already love Dahyun, she's such a funny dude.

Nayeon pouts before saying"Jeez, hurtful~show a bit of compassion," she says laughing.

"So, in a relationship?" she asks

I look at her disbelief. She notices my expression and quickly adds, "I'm not hitting on you at all. I promise. I'm just curious about you."

I'm so relieved she's not flirting with me. "I'm actually not in a relationship now. Don't worry about me with your unnie. I'm not interested." I explain.

Three of us have a good time in fifth period. Then sixth period comes by, Dahyun and I have the same class, but Nayeon has dance practice.

While sixth period, Dahyun and I start talkinh about out families. I tell him funny stories.

"I'm surprised Mina didn't say anything, but Nayeon unnie and I are actually adopted. Mina and her mom were actually kind enough to foster us for a while and then adopted us last year. For the first time it feels like we have a real family."

"Oh wow. That's awesome. I had no idea, Mina didn't say anything." I reply.

"Yeah Mina is pretty shy and doesn't like to talk a lot about personal things. But she's got a heart of gold and she's a great sister. She's always been there for us since the beginning." She explained.

Their story seriously warmed my heart. It definitely opened my eyes on Mina even more. This literature project is the best because I want to know who Mina is because so far she's one of the sweetest person I've ever met after everything her adopted sisters told me.

On my way home I couldn't stop replaying the events of what occurred today. I think this year is going to actually be fun. When I got home I greeted my parents and siblings and told them about my day. I think jeongyeon unnie caught me on to my new crush though.

"So you're talking a lot about this new girl. Is there maybe something like an emotion you developed for her." Jeongyeon unnie asked. " does my little dongsaeng have a new crush?" She added.

My family is so embarrassing sometimes. I forgot to mention that my whole family is really supportive of me being gay. They all could totally tell Mina was my crush by how red my face turned.

First day of school completed and it was good.

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