A thrilling moment

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Me and Caleb later outside on a blanket in his backyard. He held my hand as we stared at the stars. He took off his shirt sense it was hot out. My heart started beating rapidly. I soon felt the urge of just making him put his shirt back on. But didn't do so and just looked at him. The next thing I knew I was on top of him giving him a pretty long kiss. I stopped my self. What was I doing. He grabbed my wrist tight but not a harmful way. He got a blanket from inside so we could lay under it sense it would get more chilly. Once he was back out with the blanket he cuddled me and kissed my cheek every now and then. All of a sudden it was a full blown make out session. All of a sudden we were upstairs. I made sure I didn't do anything because I was so young same as for him. I went to sleep in his arms but thankfully he didn't force me to do anything and respected the fact that me and him wouldn't be having or first any time soon.

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