Two-Member Fight Club

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•Anxiety's POV•

The look on Prince's face said it all: I made him upset. I felt bad about it, but at least I was doing my job right.

As I exited the room, I sighed to myself. I'm such an idiot. Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't just do my job. Or, then again, maybe not...

I'm too indecisive.

I hurried to my room so I could take a nap. Maybe if I sleep, my problems will go away. Or I'll never wake up. I'd be happy either way...

Slowly, I drifted off to sleep. I had a very strange dream, I was alone in a black void. That part was normal for my dreams, but I heard and endless laughter. It was a joyful laughter, but over time it melted into an evil laughter. I looked around to see were it was coming from, but all I saw was nothing.

Once my dream came to a close, my eyes open to Prince standing angrily over my bed. I sat up in shock, "what the hell? Why are you in here?"

"What's your problem, Mr. Actor?"

"More like what's your problem! You were kind of watching me sleep!"

"No I wasn't, I just got in here. I was waiting for you to wake up."

"Um... okay then?"

"I have a question for you."

"Which is...?"

"Do you love me? Like, for real?"

I was hesitant with my answer. I mean, I knew I loved him, but that wouldn't be doing my job. But, then again, did I want to do my job? Couldn't I just do my job and love Prince? I could...

"That's what I thought," Prince sneers. "So I guess everything was an act, huh?"

"What? No, I-"

"Then what took you so long to say it? Can you tell me that? If you really loved me you would have been able to say it in an instant!" He clenched his fists and turned to storm off. I stood up to go after him.

"What is your problem, Roman? Love isn't like how it is I'm your stupid Disney movies!"

"Ugh, enough with the insults, Anxiety! Don't you have one nice thing to say? It's like your brain is filled with nothing by negativity."

"Actually my brain is filled with nothing but negativity. I'm the physical embodiment of anxiety, if you didn't know. I'm nothing but storms, darkness, and fear," I got in his face. "I'm your worst nightmare."

"Get out of my face," he pushed me back so hard I fell onto my bed. I stood back up and pushed him back, sending him into the wall.

"You bastard!" He swung at me. I dodged it just in time. I use both my hands to grab his neck and pin him against the wall.

"What, so you want to fight now? Bring it on, Princey," I sneer. "You think you're high and mighty, but your not. You think you're always right, but your not. You're just like me, Princey. You're nothing."

Prince grabs at my hands, trying to rip them off his neck. I was chocking him, I knew that, but I couldn't seem to stop myself. He socked me in the gut, which made me finally stop.

"Maybe I am nothing," he chuckled malevolently. "But at least I'm not as bad as you! You're nothing but a depressed loser who can't even get the other personalities to like him! And you wonder why Thomas likes you the least... Oh wait, he doesn't like you at all."

The words coming out of Prince's mouth seemed to stab me right in the heart. I stared back at him angrily.

"What's wrong, Anxiety? Run out of insults? Maybe you should-"

"Shut up!" I punched him right in the eye, then in the jaw, then pushed him down to the floor. He grabbed my by my legs and pulled me down with him. We rolled around on the floor before I pinned him down.

"What are you going to do, beat me up? Torture me? Kill me?" Prince struggled underneath my hands.

"Why are you being such a jackass?"

"Why are you always a jackass?"

"Maybe I can't help it, unlike you. You do it by choice. So why don't you get of your high horse and-"

Suddenly, Thomas summoned us to the living room. I was still pinning Prince down on the stairs as everyone stared back at us.

"Holy shit," Thomas said, "now I know why my mind felt at war."

Alright, Princey (Prince x Anxiety / Prinxiety)Where stories live. Discover now