Last Minute Sleepover Reprise

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•Anxiety's POV•

"Don't just stand there, idiot! Do something about it!" Logic yelled from behind me. I stood gazing down at Thomas, who was in the floor crying. What was I supposed to do?

"Uh... At least he didn't totally reject you? I mean 'wow, you're a weird' is pretty bad but at least he didn't say 'don't talk to me again'!"

"He did say 'don't talk to me again!'" Thomas managed to say between sobs. He curled up into a ball.

"Wow, nice going loser," Morality moved behind me. He pushed me by the shoulder, making me stumble. "Why don't you go back to the useless pit that you came from and let the real personas handle this."

"I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to make things worse," I mumbled while turning to leave the room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Logic grabbed me firmly by the arm. "We can't let you roam free, you'll just mess things up again! From now on, you'll stay in the corner."

I closed my eyes as I was forcefully flung to the corner of the room. My back hit the wall and I slid down until I was sitting on the ground. Morality and Logic surrounded me.

"Look at him, Logan. He's probably too busy thinking of ways to screw up again to move."

"Right, he's just a big waste of space. I hate his worthless ass!"

Tears started to form in my eyes. I stared helplessly back up at them. They were being mean, but what they said was true. I am a big, worthless, waste of space. Prince walked up behind them with a malicious grin.

"Hey, don't trash talk Anxiety! That's my job," he pushed the others out of the way.

"P-Princey... I-"

"Shut up, peasant! I can't believe you thought I actually liked you. Why would a great prince like me stoop so low to liking a giant disappointment like you? That's right, I wouldn't. I don't love you, I've never loved you, and I never will!"

Those words felt like millions of daggers in my chest. Tears overflowed my eyes and streamed down my checks. I buried my head in my knees.

"Aw, is the giant disappointment crying? Good! Do us all a favor and go kill yourself. We'd all be better off without you."


I quickly sit up, gasping for breath. My clothes and sheets were clinging to my body with sweat. Tears instantly poor from my eyes.

It was just another nightmare.

I'd admit, it wasn't as bad as some nightmares I had, but it was enough to leave me shaken up. I couldn't take this anymore, I had to get some answers. I rolled off of my bed and onto the floor and tried to navigate through my dark room. From there, it was down the hall and too-

"Princey!" I fling open the door, startling Prince. He was already siting up in his bed, staring of into space.

"A-Anxiety! What is it?" he sounded eager.

"I... had a bad dream. Could I-"

"Come here, Anxiety," he patted the bed beside him. I shuffled over I him, shutting do door behind me. Once I sat down by him, he wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled my head into his chest. This was just like last time...

"You still love me, right?" I asked. I could hear Prince's heart beat faster.

"Of course. I do love you, I've always loved you, and I always will."

"Thanks, Roman."

"And... I'm sorry for everything I did, and said, or even thought- I just thought you didn't love me at all, and you were just faking it the whole time."

"I'd admit I could fake it, but I wasn't. I mean, I had no idea why I was falling in love with you, but I did. And, well, now..."

"As long as you love me, I just want to put this whole thing behind us, okay?"

"Yeah, let's just drop it. You know what they say, 'love hurts'."

"Definitely," Prince moved some of the hair out of my face. "God, I'm tired. Morality kicked me out of the house for the day so I've been off slaying dragons."

"You must have really gotten on Dad's nerves to make him kick you out," I chuckled as I looked up at the beautiful man of royalty before me. Okay, that was a weird way for me to describe Prince, but let's go with it.

"I guess you could say that, and since when do you call Morality 'Dad'?"

"I don't know... I've always kind of seen him like a father figure. You know, in between the augments and disagreements we have."

"Aw, well isn't that sweet?"

"Don't get too used to it. I'm still Anxiety, remember? Your local Mr. Depression?"

"You may be Mr. Depression," Prince kissed my forehead, "but I don't care as long as you're my Mr. Depression."

Alright, Princey (Prince x Anxiety / Prinxiety)Where stories live. Discover now