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He tried to push open the door but it wouldnt budge. As he continued, he began to band on the door. "Marco! Let me in!" He demanded, jiggling the door knob as hard as he could. "No Tom! Go away!" Came a shout from inside, but it cracked. It gave the demon the knowledge he had or was crying. "Come on! Let me in or I'll let myself in!" Tom announced, backing away. "What?! No! You can't do that!" The shriek said, but he ignored it as he charged at the door, kicking as hard as be could. It cracked and moved to the side. Marco was in front of him, looking like he's been getting up before stopping in shock. His eyes were wide and his mouth agape, his expression blank. He had his sleeves pulled as low as they could, the sword lying behind him. "Marco, I had told you that --," but before he could finish, the brunette was up in his face. He was obviously mad as he growled. "What the hell?! I said 'no, go away!' Uet, instead, you freaking breaking down the door like some cop or FBI like the movies and shows?! What is your problem?!" Marco yelled, pushing away the demon who grabbed his arms, in returned winced. He received a raise of a questioning brow before answered back. "Hey! Don't get at me! I was just trying to be there for you!" The demon protested in defense, looking straight into thw others eyes. But he regretted that as be could barely hold the others gaze for a few seconds before looking away; it also made him feel worse when the other was so short he had to be on his toes to be nose to nose. "Yeah?! Well I don't need that if your not going to actually be there! I dont need the weak brick in my whole structure of what's keeping me alive!" Marco shouted, turning away quickly to give the other the cold shoulder suddenly. "I'm not going to be a weak brick! I really I want to help you! I know how it is to be in your position, believe me when I say that. I've been there so many times, I just let it go by. But I don't want you to be there, here. I don't want you to be stuck in that space so much or for so long that's it's a custom." Tom said, walking in front of the other who looked at the ground, his arms crossed loosely. "Please. I really do want to help. Just let me be there." He mumbled, raising his hands to graze over the others cheeks before cupping them to look up to him. He could see the tears in the others eyes, making his beautiful, cocoa colored eyes gleam even more. He saw Marco's lip begin to tremble as he put his own tan hands on the demons, nuzzling into them as he looked up with fear. "You promise?" He barely whispered audibly. "I do. I'll never leave your side." Tom whispered back, leaning in to rub their noses together to earn a small smile. "Thanks. I really needed to hear those words, even though I don't really rely on them." The brunette said, being honest. "Why?" "You know the answer, I know you do. We never believe someone will actually be there forever." Marco mumbled. "Yeah but I won't go against my word. I know how it feels to be there." Tom replied.
Marco looked up into Tom's red eyes, he always enjoyed how they looked. A fire full of emotion that's so strong, it could leave damage in its path. He sighed, breaking eye contact before looking back at the other. He saw Tom looking at the ground, his eyes darting around before landing on his hands. Marco could feel himself pale a little as he jumped just the slightest. Please don't say it, please don't say it. "Marco, can I ask you something?" The demon asked hesitantly. The brunette nodded slowly. "What have you actually done to yourself?" That was when Marco finally backed away and leaned against the closest wall near the door. He slid down it until he sat, the other following suit. He pulled up his sleeves without second thought. "Well, there's only this that's physical." The brunette shrugged as he could feel the other grab his arms, moving them around as he inspected them. There were old and new cuts running up and down his arms, some looked irritated by the sweater that covered them. Some of them almost looked like they formed words. That one on his palm from the first day was still there, still healing. Tom licked a finger before dragging it across the cut, it slowing healing as it followed. There only a scar left. "Marco, i want to know what's on your mind. Like seriously, I'm here to listen. Don't worry. I can tell there's something extremely wrong." Tom mumbled, looking up and at the brunette who looked in front of him. Tom then looked away, thinking it would make the other more comfortable to talk, his sight landing on the window with a setting sun. He glanced at Marco who looked remotely shocked with tears again. He took in a broken breath of air with a shaky exhale.
He remembered that he was in that position before.
He remembered one stromy night, he was broken once more and sitting in the park on a bench. The brunette walked up to him with a sigh and looked at him as he sat down beside Tom. Even though the demon looked down, his third eyes was concentrated on the other. He met eyes (or eye?) with Marco who put a hand on his shoulder before on his own purple hand. "Hey it's okay, I know your not up and you're down. I'm not going to ask if you're okay because I know you're not, so there's no need. I know you don't want my pity or emotions, especially cause you hate me. But, if you really want, you can tell me. I'm not forcing you. I'll listen and not say a word unless you want me too and I won't try to judge. I'll try to understand. I'll wait as long as you want but just know, I'm not leaving until you disappear or I die or your better." And that's what he did, he sat there for hours and listened and understood. Marco said he did actually understood and rubbed the others back. He didn't tell a soul and caught a deadly cold or flu just to support the other in the rain.
He remembered how he accidentally or purposely, (he wasn't even sure himself at the time), called Star. He hoped he could talk to her, he wanted to talk. But instead, Marco answered and he did the same and listened. The next time he called, Marco answered but he didn't say a word. This continued to happen whether the Mewni princess was in the background or not. Marco always informed he'd be there to listen and understand. He was actually shocked someone gave him a chance. He talked to Marco once more before their connection was broken off fully somehow.
That must be how Marco felt at the moment. Tom looked back outside, feeling the other lean into him. "It's just. . . It's so much. I can't take it. I mean, I keep thinking that, but I'm here still but I'm not sure if I'll make it. Star leaves, that's like a. . . Something I can't even describe. It hurt a lot. Then, Jackie left for a bunch of reasons she tells me. She says, were on a break but I know she's lying. Immediately got with someone the same night. Then my friends begin to leave, and there was only actually two without Star. She was kinda what gave me confidence and courage. But she's not here. And karate is like the only thing that won't change unless I want it too. And I've made it to the top of the class and have the highest belt but, I'm still annoyed by that little brat who's rich." Marco began and took in a large inhale with a small pause before continuing. "But it didn't get any better. Classes and restless nights started to take their toll and grades began to slip before I forced myself, pushing myself. One day, it was so nerve wrecking. Then, the mess in the house was making it worse, it was adding to my problems. Suddenly, I guess to get my mind off it all, I began to stress clean. It worked and I passed out on the couch. My parents were so happy, it was somewhat making me feel better." Marco shrugged and snuggled up into the demon who wrapped his arms around him. "But the next day, I was so exhausted that I passed out on the couch again. But when my parents got home, they seemed disappointed a little. I then realized that they were expecting it to be cleaned, so I quickly got up and got to work. Then only did they seem happier, whether with the state of the house or me. As time went on, more went to my shoulders and soon enough, I found myself cooking like I had found myself cleaning. Soon, it just became like this them and I felt they went out on purpose and offered when I was busy which became always. And I don't say anything cause I'm scared that as I'm holding this all, I'm going to let it fall. Like carrying a hundred bricks and then tripping, being crushed under it all." Marco looked up at Tom who looked down at him before sighing and looking away. "I want to comfort you Marco but I don't think I can. I don't know what to say and you're right, what do I know? I've always had people to deal with half of what's supposed to be a normal persons or demons problems and responsibilities. I've just then been caught up in all my emotions, it feels too much sometimes. But I can't put myself in your place, so I don't know what to say." Tom mumbled, still watching the other who smile at him sweetly. "You being here actually helps me. I kinda just needed someone to lean against for a bit." Marco said. "Really?" The demon questioned, surprised. "Yeah." The brunette nodded with a small yawn. "Gosh, I'm tired." Marco stayed but pulled away as Tom suddenly got up. The demon walked across the room. "Have you ever used this? Like, after she left?" Tom asked as he suddenly touched the one thing really left that Marco apparently prized so much. It was hers. He quickly got up and swatted the demons hand away. "Don't touch her things!" The brunette hissed, standing in front of it defensively. Tom looked behind him to see the magic mirror of Star Butterfly.

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