Remmy DeLaRose; Grifter/Thief
Elliot Spencer; Hitter
Put the two together and you get a power couple.
This is my first ever fan-fiction so it won't be amazing but I will definitely try. I loved the show Leverage and I wanted to put myself in the...
I walk up to the desk on the first floor of the building the airplane designs are in.
"Hello boys." I say with my seductive smirk on my face that makes anyone's knees turn to jelly.
The guards behind the desk look confused only for a second but then stare at my exposed legs. I didn't just wear this outfit cause I looked bomb in it, which I really really do, I wore it for distraction purposes. One of the rules as a grifter, choose the right outfit for your job.
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I rest my elbows on the desk and lean forward to show off my cleavage. I smile in victory as I see their eyes trail from my face to my chest.
"I signed up as a new security guard a few weeks ago and was called in by the chief tonight cause some of the guys didn't show up for their shifts. Do you mind getting me my badge?"
The guys that "didn't show up for their shifts" are locked up in a van in the ally thanks to chloroform and a text to all their phones saying their weed guys were gonna move the date of the switch to tonight. Too bad I didn't have Elliot with me. He could have taken them out and I wouldn't have a bruised rib cage from when one of the guys elbowed me. Oh well, I've been through worse. And Yes, I read all the files and one definitely stood out to me.
Alright now the last file. I reach forward and grab it, open it up and I have Parkers face staring straight back at me.
I freeze for a minute. Emotions start flooding in.
The only thing that comes out of my mouth is, "scheiße, this will be interesting."
-end of flashback
Anyways I had my hacker friend research all the guards, he owed me a couple favors, and 3 of them have arrest records for possessing marijuana and they just so happened to be on the same night shift. What a coincidence. Also my friend put my fake resume and information in their data so when they looked up the name-
"Excuse me miss? What's your name again?"
I smile a sweet smile
"Its Skylar Roberts sweetie."
I see his cheeks go red and he types in my fake alias' name.
"Okay ma'am. Here is your badge. Have a good evening.", the other guard says, handing me my badge with a blush on his face because I'm still leaning forward.
"Well it is now.", I say winking at both of them. Both of them sputtering out incoherent words but are too flushed to say anything.
I step away from the desk, with a little sway of my hips, and gracefully walk to scan my badge and head towards the stairs. I did a little research about the building and learned that they lock down the elevators at closing time.
That means I'm gonna have to trek up all these these shoes.....I will just take them off- NO YOU CANT REMMY! IT WILL RUIN THE WHOLE OUTFIT AND YOU WONT LOOK LIKE A MODEL WALKING UP THOSE STAIRS!....Your right! I can't jeopardize my beautiful outfit! I can do this!!!!
After my little pep talk I start climbing the stairs.
-Author P.O.V-
As Remmy starts her journey up the stairs (lol so dramatic) Parker walks into a room with a sign "Danger: High Voltage" on the front. She wires her small tablet to the security cameras feed and the other to the elevator controls.
"You know Parker, anytime you want to- Woah!" Elliot starts to say but then the elevator starts moving down.
"Boys are on their way."
"What are you getting with security? You see security?"
Parker looks at the feed and smiles while saying, "They don't see a thing."
As she says that she sees a woman walk in the room but she doesn't have a security uniform on.
"Wait. A woman just walked in the room. No uniform but she has a badge. I can't see her face. It's like she knows exactly where the cameras are. Should we be worried?"
"Uh no. No. Just keep an eye on her and if you see any thing suspicious let us know." Nate says over the coms.
"Okay." Parker says a little hesitant. There is something about the woman that is familiar about her. She pushes the thought out of her head.
"Doors open."
"Alright guys. It's showtime. Here we go."
-Remmy's P.O.V-
It's official. I hate stairs. If stairs were a person that person would be dead to me.
I finally make it to the security office and before I walk in I catch my breath and compose myself then make my entrance.
"Hi." I say with a award winning smile, "I'm new here and the chief told me I should look around and get familiar with everything." I twist my hair around my finger to give me a clueless, innocent look.
I keep my back to the cameras to make sure it doesn't pick up my face. Who knows, the hired team is probably watching to make sure the guards don't see them messing with the elevators, I don't need them to know who I am just yet. Hardison could hack any data base and dig up my whole past.
"Really? I wasn't aware that the chief hired a new girl."
But I don't think your complaining with the way y'all are staring at me.
"It was a spur of the moment thing." I say with a little giggle.
They all blush and pull up a chair for me.
"Right well here is the security camera monitors and here is the..." I zone out while the guard is talking to me.
The team better hurry up. These guys are gonna bore me to death.
Wait isn't there supposed to be 8 guys at the guard post? Where is the other 4?
I come back to reality and notice the guys are watching a basketball game.
The playoffs. That's why the others aren't at the post, they are doing the walk through an hour early. This may be a bust for the team if they don't think quickly. Then I will have to step in.
Fun. ------------------------------------------------- Hey guys! Wow 1,038 words! Did y'all like this chapter? I'm hope the next one turns out good. Also "scheiße" means crap or shit in German. That's a little hint to her past.