Well, she's crazy.

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I walk into the lounge where the bar is and see an overweight man there with a briefcase in his lap, holding onto it for dear life and not making any eye contact with anyone. He is playing with his fingers and looks very nervous.

I think to myself with a wicked smile on my face, You threatened my friend with Remmy DeLaRose. You should be nervous.

I walk up to the bar and sit down on one of the stools right next to the guy and cross my legs. I can feel his eyes on me, well mostly my exposed legs and thighs and can hear him gulp. I haven't looked at him yet and I call the bartender over.

"Zee get me a shiner."

*This is Zee

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*This is Zee.

Zee chuckles and looks at me as he says in a teasing tone, "Nari, you know your not supposed to drink while your working."

"Zee, when has that ever stopped me." I say to him in the same teasing tone with a sarcastic smile on my face.

He just chuckles again and shakes his head, "Coming right up babe." He walks away to go get my beer. The whole time I was talking to Zee the man sitting next to me was just starting at my face.

Maybe I should stab his eyes out with a fork. No Nari! We promised ourselves we wouldn't stab anyone's eyes out since the last incident...but to be fair I had the lucky charms first so that lady had no right taking them out of my grocery basket!

I am pulled out of my thoughts when the man sitting next to me clears his throats and shuffles in his chair nervously.

He starts saying, "U-Um excuse me. Are you Nar- "

I hold up my finger to silence him before he can finish speaking.

"One second." I tell him without looking at him. He closes his mouth.

"Here you go Nari. Just don't tell *Caleb I let you drink while you have a client." Zee says with a whisper, sends me a wink and a cheeky smile and walks away.

I roll my eyes with a smile on my face and take a drink from my bottle, set it down and look at the man with a sickly sweet smile that almost makes him faint.

"You better tell me what you want in the next minute or they are going to be rolling you out of here on a stretcher with a broken chair leg through your chest."

The smile was wiped off my face and there is no hint of joking in my eyes. The man stiffens and looks at me with a pale face and wide eyes.

"You really are her."

"That depends on who 'her' is." I say taking another swig of my beer.

"We b-both know who 'her' is."

I slowly put my bottle down and stare straight ahead.

"30 seconds left."

That seemed to have knocked some sense into him and he starts talking, "Airplane designs."

"What about them?"

"I want you to steal mine back."

"What makes you think I would ever do that for you?"

"Cause I will pay you in $700,000 worth of emeralds."

I freeze.

Remmy loves emeralds. How did he know that?

"But here is the thing. I already have a team hired to retrieve my plans, all I need you to do is to....supervise them."

"What? You don't trust them."

"They are thieves. Of course I don't.", he scoffs.

I turn towards him.

"Why do you trust me?"

He leans towards me to whisper and I have to hold myself back from punching that ugly face of his.

"Because Remmy DeLaRose is one of the best thieves on the planet."

I smirk at him.

"Well....I agree with you on that."

Hey guys!
So Nari is Remmy which I'm sure you guys figured out.
Nari is just the name she uses at the cafe. Kind of like a strippers stage name 😂
What do you guys think? Do you like
Nari/Remmy's personality?

* Caleb is the owner of the cafe.

 Damn boy! Why you so fine?!?!😍😍😍

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Damn boy! Why you so fine?!?!😍😍😍

Till the next chapter!🖤

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