I only like handcuffs when Im in charge

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Thank god during the whole car ride Parker was lost in her thoughts cause if she noticed me, it would have gotten really ugly.

Everyone was quiet while Hardison drove to an unknown location. I was in between Nate and Elliot and I could feel their eyes on me the whole ride. Nate was probably trying to figure out why I'm here, who I am and stuff like that, Elliot however couldn't keep his eyes off my body but I didn't mind, this is Elliot we are talking about.

As we stop in front of a huge building everyone starts filing out of the car and just then I noticed I'm still handcuffed.

I see a hand reach in and grab my upper arm, pulling me out and I notice it's Nate.

"So, y'all gonna uncuff me or am I going to have to do it myself?", I ask with my head tilted to the side, an innocent look on my face.

Hardison won't look me in the eyes, Elliot is standing there with his muscular arms crossed, and Parker starts walking around the car.

Crap, I guess it's time to be reunited.

Nate clears his throat.

"Not until you explain who you are and why your-"

Nate is cut off.


I look over and see Parker standing there with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open. Disbelief written across her face and other emotions I can decipher.

"Hey baby. How've you been?" I say with a smirk, masking the nervousness I'm feeling.

She is gonna slap me isn't she?

Parker walks up and punches me in the face.

I didn't expect that. She must really dislike me now.

I fall to the ground and I feel my lip and cheekbone throbbing. I smile and chuckle.

"You've been working out."

"No, I just had a lot of motivation to punch you."

"Come on babe, don't be like that."

"Stop! You have no right to call me baby or babe after what you did!", she yells with tears in her eyes and she walks into the building.

Everyone is in shock. I don't think anyone here has ever seen Parker cry or close to crying.

Elliot and Hardison snap out of their daze and notice me struggling to get up with my hands still cuffed, they run towards and help me up.

"Are you okay?" They both ask at the same time. Worry evident in their eyes.

Elliot reaches up and caresses my cheek softly. Hardison dusts me off.

"I'm fine." I say chuckling with a smirk,"I've been through worse."

"You know what, lets all head inside and then, Remmy is it?, can explain some things." Nate says.

Great. I hope they have liquor, I could use a drink.


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