Chapter 1

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Sad and all the related synonyms revolved around my mind. Yes! People around me would have thought that I'm lucky to go through X-Factor. Not on an selfish mark but why would I share my dream with unknown boys.

4 British and an Irish and I'm Arya Lively - a crossbreed, Anglo-Indian. My pessimistic thoughts flooded my mind. Though my mom's cuddles were soothing, my future seemed dark at this point. Or maybe my negative thoughts had an impact over.

No girl would like to be in band with 5. But let me introduce to these two. Surely they would love too. Reney Villers and Eloise Hastings, my friends since we peed in pants. I saw them walking over with smirky faces and sassy thoughts. Before all, I knew what they had to speak, so I mentally went off.

Damn! They already had a speech prepared, convincing me to join the band on account of boys being sexy. Or say cute. But their cuteness didn't really hit my mind.

"Hey I'm Har- ry Styles and I use to work in a bakery" he said it slow and adding flirty vibes in it.

"I'm quiet flirty " he added further and his dimples and little smirk made me believe that. Nodding off I introduced myself and went towards a guy I felt was normal.

"Hey I'm Arya " I said and he welcomed me in his arms

"I'm Liam Payne" he grinned and walked towards my mom praising my vocals. She couldn't agree less. Well even praises sounded like curses that time. My thoughts were flowing in wrong direction.

And there that Flirty guy announced our band's name as " One Direction ". The name delighted me and I thought maybe I should take a chance and work along with them.

The guy who walked over made me realise that Reney and Eloise were right about them being sexy or cute.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson, you can call me Lou" he was classy kind of sassy. He was sack of fun I realised as I talked to him for some minutes.

"I'm Zain Malik " another handsome said. I wouldn't believe I already had crushes on two of them. But this Zain and me would be great friends because of cultural blend. He was British-Pakistani and I was Half Indian. So Great blend !

Bit by bit a ray of light shone within me as I talked to them. That's what my mom told me to do. She was right as always. She's like rainbow in my hurricane.

A blond leprechaun walked over and said or to be specific laughed out " Hahah I'm Niall haha Horan " it was contiguous so I gave in laughing.

While talking about myself his sapphire meet my hazel. I felt kind of weird so I broke the eye contact and he continued with his hysterical laugh. My first impression was appropriate - A leprechaun with blond hair.

So I sat on the rollercoaster, known the people along with me and fastened the belt.
I still grumbled about being with these boys in my mind but let's see how far we ride...

We had a call from the management. Mr Simon Cowell siting right in front with two sheets in hand.

"Deal is locked but you need to scribble with pen and know that you can't say 'No' to Simon Cowell" Simon Coward/\/ Cowell* (sorry) said with stern look

Fishy!! as one confirmation sheet was given to me and another to all the boys. I dared to ask the assistant but he was anyways a literate coward. I read in some seconds but he ordered me to sign quickly.

Coming out the first thing I asked the boys " Why was your things different?"

"I don't think it was " Zain said

" Okay then, tell me what was written " my curiosity had no stop

" Who would read that ? There wasn't a minute and font was tiny like your maturity " Louis giggled and flashed a sassy smile

"You had some seconds to read and by the way HOW CAN YOU SIGN SOMETHING YOU DON'T KNOW " I screeched and luckily we came far from the office

" Mad women, stop with your curiosity, go ask Mr Simon " Louis screeched in reply

"Okay thanks Louis, I thought you were a good guy " I simply said and walked faster than the rest. That's me in furious mood. Running away !

If only anyone cared then, he would came with concern but I turned and they all vanished in seconds. I rubbed my eyes and the scene was still the same. I jumped to the conclusion that my time with them will be briefly worst. My first impression about being in band was accurate. It sadden my thoughts again. Misery this life is.

Step by step I thought about this Ruination. My thoughts were faster than that cheetah would ever run. There's wasn't a single tube light in this alley. Now I thought at least those stupid boys would have been a blessing only if they were present. Scary alley.

My thoughts get a break with a loud hullabaloo. Who else would pop up ?
Them ! Arseholes

"Louis' idea I'm quiet sure" I simply said seeing them

"Madamn I respect your accuracy " Louis replied, grinning and smiling as if won an Oscar

Liam, Zain and Harry passed their apology. I didn't expect from that Tomlinson guy but at least Niall would have. They make me furious minute after minute. And always make me believe that 'they are arseholes'

Clocked ticked to 11pm. I had to bid a goodbye to my mom and Reney and Eloise. I would miss them in presence of these idiots.

"Miss me bitch " Reney hugged me tight

"Okay I'll see if I can" I smiled and I deserved a slap in next instance for not agreeing to miss her. But I would miss her SO MUCH THIS FREAKING TIME. Same with Eloise.

We were dropped at Harry's dad's place. It was a nice house and near to the studio. I unpacked my stuff without will. Louis Harry and Liam Zain went along well and so shared the two bedrooms. Niall and me had to share the third one, not because we went along well but we were left with the only option.

Harry chanted to gather near the bonfire to celebrate this whole One Direction thingy.
Like literally? My mind was out but I physically walked out towards the bonfire.

It was an amazing night. Dark blue sky dressed with twinkling stars. Winds whirled around with guitar tunes played by Niall and amazing vocals by rest of the boys. We shared some memories, had an jamming session. It's was going on the contrary track of what I thought.

Talking about memories we burned some in the fire and eventually made some that night. I did put my bad thoughts about them in the fire. I didn't realise but this house was already a home to me. Boys became lads. And laugh out loudly cause " Call me Zayn, that's my stage name now" said Zayn and this was the time he decided.

I realised how bad I thought about them all. This night permanently changed my mind about our band One Direction. We had forever to walk now.

Next morning I shouldn't have woken up to this ?!

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