Chapter 3

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Next news was totally a 'yes' to what Zayn said about life being a rollercoaster...

We had an interview with 'The Sun'. That's when we started getting burn. With hatred.
I knew that someday, some void-minded person would ask me this. Just didn't thought so soon.

"You and 5 boys, doesn't that feel weird, more like awkward ?" The interviewer asked me which just lighted up fire inside my mind. The smirk on his face would have really got kicked by me.

My mouth simply uttered a "No"

All these days, no awkward or weird scent whirled around me. They were more like my brothers. They made me so comfy all along this time. And here pops a nasty fuck doubting all that. None of them ever made me low because of my gender and there this whatsoever random bullshit buffalo, all the swears of all the languages were meant for him since then.

Next question heated the room more. I wouldn't just think of our survival if we were gonna be arrowed with these sort of questions.

It made Harry cry loads. Going out of the room, I took a deep breath of fresh air. Much needed after our short tour in the hell. Whole day, those words couldn't stop revolving around my mind. Harry and I cried out loads. Somehow Zayn and Liam managed to console us pumping good thoughts. That's when we got more closer and tighter together. Cuddles from Niall soothed my mind more. And Louis kept up with his jokes. In time, the room which was chanting by my and Harry's cries filled up with laughter from Louis' jokes.

Next morning I woke up to Eloise's call. It was a quick one but had the best news. She got in a relationship with a cricketer while she was an intern in NZ. A quiet charming Kiwi guy. It was morning and I'm pretty numb mentally "MitcHELL what?" I laughed

"Mitchell McClenaghan, call him Mitch" I never heard her being so lively. Those minutes on the phone, she never swore and I believed that this guy had some Magic twisted in him. It's hard to make Eloise happy. But it's worth to do so.

"Okay, whatever that Mitchell Mccledhandhan, call me on your wedding day"

"Bye! What a mistake even, talking to you in the morning is next to calling an Alien from above " rightly interpreted by Eloise about me.

She hung up

I called Reney

"Hey Villers " I shouted as she took the call

"Hey Lively, how did you remembered about me today ?" She sounded busy but she had no right to say that if she's talking to me. Like If it's me ? She has to TALK

"Ya cause Eloise is getting married "

"Is it morning in London ?"

"Ya why? Ain't you in London !?"

"No, I'm in India and nobody should talk to you in the morning, you speak rubbish dude"

Do I really ?

I yelled a "Bye" to her and annoyingly threw my phone on bed. I thought it was bed but oops because it was Niall's face which got hurt.

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