Hey guys, so, I finally made a new version of the trailer. Its in the next chapter. If you want to see the old version, its down there lol
When Jake finally made it half way to the table, I turned to look at Lola and felt as if I was seeing her for the first time.
She has brown hair that turns in soft curls at the end and eyes of which the color I couldn’t quite place. She was uniquely beautiful.
“Hello, earth to Madeline? Are you going to introduce me to him?” Lola asked, waving a hand in front of my face. I looked to my left to see Jake’s blue gaze on my brown one.
“Oh yeah, of course I am. Jake this is Lola, Lola meet Jake.” I said pointing to them as I spoke their names. Jake sat down in the seat next to me and took a long drink from his water bottle. He pulled it away and licked his lips and I watched Lola’s eyes following the path of his tongue. And I began to snicker.
Jake saw what I saw and chuckled himself. He flipped his blonde hair from his blue eyes and blinked.
Yes, Jake really was gorgeous. But, to me, since I grew up with him as my only friend, it seems weird.
He cleared his throat. “Are you OK, Mattie?” He asked.
He is the only one who has ever called me that who actually can get away with it.
I blinked, realizing I had been staring at him.
“Yeah, I just… lost my train of thought.”
He gave a crooked smile and shook his head. He knew what was passing through my head at all times, but I doubt he guessed correctly with this one.
I looked at Lola and couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped me.
“What?” She asked, her eyebrows pressed together and finally taking her eyes off of Jake.
“Nothing,” I answered, hiding my smile with my hand.
“What is it?”
“Nothing really, I- I just had a funny thought.” I lied through my teeth. Being who we are, she is trained to find lies. But we are also trained to hide them.
I gave an innocent smile and winked at her. She rolled her eyes then allowed them to make their way back to Jake who was staring at us.
There was suddenly a piercing whistle noise through the whole court yard as the speakers turned on and our head master began to speak.
“Good evening! Today is a special treat because today we celebrate those who will be moving up a level. Everyone clap and give each other a pat on the back because only one of you has failed us. Samantha Whaley, please come to the main building. You are no longer with us. Everyone, please, say goodbye to poor Samantha. Today, her life ends.”
The screeching came back and ended as they turned the speakers off. We all looked around to see who the un-lucky girl was. The way it works is if you are not cut out to be an assassin, the headmaster will end your life, no doubt about it. You were born to be an assassin, and nothing more. If you can’t meet those levels, you are nothing in their eyes.