“School,” He said. The word confused me because who goes to school during the summer? “How old are you?”
“Five, how old are you?” I asked. He laughed a little before answering.
“I’m sixteen years old.” He said. His age surprised me a little.
“Then how do you know my mother?”
I didn’t think he would answer at first. Five minutes passed when he finally did. “She was my mentor, my advisor. She helped me train. She was like family for me.” His voice broke a little.
I began to cry. “She’s dead, isn’t she?” I whispered.
He nodded. “Yes, Madeline, she’s dead.” He whispered. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly with my two little fists. He squeezed my small hands and I rested my head against our hands as I cried.
“It’ll be alright, Madeline. It’ll be alright.” He whispered.
I woke up to Logan’s voice. He was smoothing my hair down and holding my hand. Somehow, I ended up on my bed. Samantha sat at my other side. I sat up quickly.
“I want out of here.” I said my voice hoarse.
Logan looked at me, confuse. “What do you mean?”
“He wants me dead. Didn’t you see them? Didn’t you see the bodies? They tried to kill me, but I got to them first.”
“The only thing I saw was you passed out with your face pressed into the ground.”
“They must have cleared the bodies out. We have to leave here.” I stood up and walked to my closet. I pulled out a large bag and pulled down a few shirts.
A large hand went over mine and stopped me. “We can’t just up and leave, Madeline. You know that.”
Angry tears filled my eyes. “Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you.”
“Then help me. And leave with me and Samantha.”
He starred into my eyes for a few minutes then let go of my hand. “Okay,” he whispered, “We’ll go AFTER you graduate training today.”
I dropped my bag. “Shit! I graduate today! What time is it?
“Relax,” he laughed, “it’s only four in the morning. You usually get up at this time. You’re fine, you’ll be on time.” He was smiling. I turned to Samantha.
“You have a day off today. Do you want to go see any friends before graduation starts?”
She jumped to her feet. “Yeah,”
I laughed, “Okay, will you take her where she wants to go?” I asked Logan. He nodded. “And come straight back.”
I watched them walk out as I sat down on my bed. I began to play with the end of my robe as I thought of graduation.
Our graduation is slightly… weird. All trainees who are graduating must fight each other until at least sixty of us fall. Once they fall, the rest of the living trainees graduate, the dead deemed the weak ones.
What if I’m too weak?
There are 500 in each level. 440 out of 500 6th levels will walk away alive.
With the way the headmaster wants me dead so badly, I know I’ll be part of the 60.
Okay guys, I know that one was short, but there is something to be excited about in the next chapter. Love ya XD ~Alixaria