Jake fell to his knees in front of me and Jasper stood, bloody knife in hand.
“Oh, my God,” I whispered as I looked from Jasper to Jake who was on his knees holding his hands to his stomach as the blood ran through his fingers.
“See, Madeline? This is what happens to people who tell me things I don’t want to hear. Is this your boyfriend?” Jasper said as he thrust his finger at Jake.
“No.” I breathed as I feel to my knees in front of Jake, placing my hands over his.
“What was that? I didn’t fucking hear you!” He yelled then pushed Jake over with his foot. I crawled to him and leaned over him as he gasped for breath. I laid him out flatter then put my hands back over his.
“No.” I whispered. Tears streamed down my face as I tried to stop the bleeding. Jake met my eyes.
“What?” Jasper yelled.
“No!” I screamed. “No, he isn’t!” Jake coughed and blood burst out, sprinkling down on me and covering Jake’s mouth. It continued to stream down his neck and soaked the collar of his white t-shirt.
“Don’t fucking lie to me you bitch! I see you guys together all the time! I see how he looks at you! I know-” Jasper’s words were cut short and I saw his body fall to the ground out of the corner of my eye. Behind him stood Logan, gun in hand.
He said something, but I didn’t hear him. I couldn’t hear anything but Jake’s breathing. Our eyes never left each other.
I began to cry harder as one of my bloody hands reached out to touch his face.
He coughed and cleared his throat. “Mattie, I-” He was cut off by another wave of blood but he just coughed and tried again. “Mattie, I love you.” He took a quick breath and it sounded like something in his throat rattled. “I always have.” I began to cry even harder and the tears landed on his face. He didn’t seem to mind but I wiped them away anyways, just to leave blood behind.
“Don’t say anything, Jake, please. You’ll live, don’t worry.” I stuttered then sobbed. “You can tell me everything after you heal.”
He went through a fit of coughing then shook his head. “Mattie, listen to me.” He put a hand on my cheek, soaking it with blood that ran down my face and neck and covered half my shirt. “I’m not going to live. We both know-”
I cut him off, “No, Jake, please-”
“Mattie, I said listen to me.” His voice cracked. When I didn’t say anything, he continued. “I love you, Madeline. I always have. Since your very first day here, I’ve loved you. You’re the most beautiful girl, the most beautiful person, I’ve ever seen. You’re everything to me, Mattie. You’re my life.” He went into another fit of coughing and I was crying so badly now that I couldn’t see anything.
When it became clear that he was finished, I took my turn. “Why tell me now, Jake? Why didn’t you tell me before?”
“Because, I wanted you to be happy; I knew how you felt about me.” He coughed and more blood ran from his mouth and down his neck. “Mattie, just promise me one thing.”