Hello, hope you guys enjoy this. just so you know, I work hard on these chapters.
P.P.S. YAYY!!!
I ran straight into the door that exited the building and just as it flew open, I heard the firing of the gun that killed my mother.
I fell to my knees and began to cry. I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to move. But my instincts told me to make speed because someone was watching me. I looked up to see heavy black boots, my eyes trailed up to see black pants, a white button up shirt, and a black trench coat. I met the green eyes of the man before me.
“Come little one, there is much to explain.”
“Who are you?” I whispered, wiping another tear away.
He smiled. “Logan Benedict, I’m a friend off your mother’s. Come child, we must travel”.
I grabbed his out stretched hand and he pulled me from the ground. We ran to a black car that absolutely took my breath away. He pulled the passenger door open and I jumped in, pulling it shut behind me. He climbed into the driver’s side, slammed the door, turned on the car, and pressed the gas pedal to the floor. We began to fly down the almost empty road at high speed.
I turned my attention from everything that was speeding by us, to Logan’s face.
“Where are we going?” I whispered.
“We are going somewhere safe.” He answered his lips barley moving.
“Where is that?”
“School,” And that word stuck with me.
I woke up with a gasp and realized I had been crying in my sleep. I wiped the tears away and glanced down next to me to make sure Samantha was still asleep. She was slightly snoring and she had most of the blanket we were sharing wrapped around her. I laughed silently at the sight.
Standing up slowly so that I wouldn’t wake her up, I glanced at the alarm clock. 4:30; we have an hour until training starts.
I moved into the bathroom and turned the light on. I discarded my clothes and climbed into the shower, turning the hot water up until I almost couldn’t breathe because of the steam. I washed every inch of my body, as if scrubbing my body clean would get rid of the memories the dream brought up for me. I turned the water off after rinsing off the soap. After drying off, I walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around my body.
I kept the bathroom door open because it was my only source of light at the moment as I tip toed towards my dresser.
“Who is she?” A masculine voice whispered.
I spun around quickly to face the intruder and felt my body sag in relief.
“Logan, when did you get back?” I asked quietly. He smiled, his eyes leaving Samantha to meet my gaze.
“I arrived about an hour ago. I knew you would be up, so I came to see you.” He walked around the bed to stand in front of me. I smiled up at him. “Who is she?” He repeated.
I sighed. “Well, her name is Samantha. She’s four years old. They were going to kill her and she’s just a 1st, so I interjected and all of the trainees backed me up. Headmaster said she could live, but that her parents no longer wanted her. He said that if anyone asked, she might as well be my daughter.” I ended in a very low whisper.
He frowned at first, and then saw my expression. “You’re just like you’re mom. From you’re looks to the way you act.” He took my face in between his hands and leaned down to kiss me.
Our lips touched and I instantly felt the familiar heat that always burned through my body at Logan’s touch. I lifted my arms and wrapped them tightly around his neck, our bodies reacting to each other.
Then I heard the bed shift and my eyes shot open and I pulled away from a surprised Logan, bringing my attention to the now awake girl on the bed.
“Madeline?” She moaned, reaching out with her eyes still closed. I gave Logan an apologetic smile and walked to Samantha, setting on the bed next to her.
“I’m here.” I whispered, pulling her close to me.
“Why were you kissing the old guy?” She whispered, meeting my eyes.
My eyes widened in shock and I couldn’t hold back the laugh that came bubbling up my throat.
“He’s not old, he’s 27. And because I love him.” I said, poking her little nose. She smiled and I sat her down on the bed. “Now, can I please get dressed?”
One pair of stretchy pants and a tank top later, I was setting on the bed with Logan lying down behind me and Samantha on the floor in front of me as I did her hair.
I pulled it back into a pony tail and tied a hot pink ribbon around it.
She was wearing hot pink shorts and a little black tank top.
“Are you guys going to get married?” Samantha asked.
“One day. Maybe we will just in a couple of months.” Logan answered her. My jaw dropped and I looked at him in shock. He played with the side of my white comforter and pretended not to notice my reaction.
“Really, you are?” She asked, amazed. My eyes didn’t leave Logan as he sat up.
“I’m not sure. I have to ask Madeline first.” That’s when I realized my mouth was still open and I closed it quickly. “What do you say, Hun? You want to get married?” He reached into the front pocket of his black trench coat and pulled out a small silver circle with a sapphire at the top and two diamonds, one on each side of the sapphire.
My jaw dropped again.
“You know, I’m surprised haven’t caught any flies yet.” He said. I glared at him for making jokes at a time like this as I closed my mouth. He lifted my left hand slowly, giving me time to pull away. He slid the ring onto my ring finger. My eyes didn’t leave his or his mine as he kissed the ring. I pulled him to me and kissed him.
I heard a small clearing of the throat and pulled away to smile at Samantha.
“You guys are disgusting.” She said in her cute little voice with a smile on her face. It can be really surprising how smart assassin children are with the meaning of words.
“Alright, I’m sorry.” I laughed and grabbed her hand, pulling her from the bed. “It’s time to go. Training starts in fifteen minutes.”
She rushed to the door and I turned around to see Logan sprawled across the bed, slightly snoring. I laughed silently and kissed him softly on the lips. “Sweet dreams.” I whispered. I walked to the door, grabbed Samantha’s hand again, and left for training.