“Kick! Run! Flip! Shoot! Four simple steps to follow! Do it quickly and do NOT mess up! Go!” The trainer yelled. I picked my gun up and kicked the dummy down. I ran five yards and did a flip in midair, rolling when I landed on the ground and stopping in a kneeling position. My gun was the first to fire.
“Good job, Miss Granger. You may do as requested and visit your daughter.” The female assassin said.
I winced at the word ‘daughter’ but nodded my head towards her. I laid the gun down in the container and ran out of the gate that led towards the courtyard. Once there, I made a hard right and ran to the 1st level’s building. I slowed and walked into the building.
There were small white tables situated around the large building, each holding ten children. A female assassin holding a clip board and wearing a white skirt and black T-shirt walked up to me.
“Who are you here to see?” She asked in a silky voice.
“Samantha Whale-” I made a noise in the back of my throat. “Granger, Samantha Granger.”
“One moment, ma’am,” She walked away and picked up a small Bluetooth from a long black table pressed to the wall. Suddenly, her voice echoed through the building.
“Children, please give me your attention. Samantha Whaley Granger, your mother is here to speak with you.” She said and placed the Bluetooth back on the table.
I winced again when she called me Samantha’s mother.
I spotted Samantha just as her head snapped up in expectation. Her smile became a frown when she saw me. She stood and made her way towards me. I noticed her ribbon had become slightly un-tied.
“Why did you do that?” She asked when she reached me.
“Say you’re my mother?”
“I didn’t, she-”
“You aren’t my mother, Madeline.”
Score one, Headmaster.
After I left Samantha, I went back to my dorm room to see Logan and found it empty.
I sat on my bed for ten minutes and decided I needed a long, hot bath.
I walked into the bathroom and turned the water on. I let it fill halfway up and fill the bathroom with steam. I grabbed a book, discarded my clothes, tied my hair into a bun, and climbed in. As soon as I flipped the book open, I began to relax.
Then, I blinked and was completely submerged in water. I tried to lift up, but there were hands holding me down. I knew there was more than one person because my legs, arms, and waist were being held as well as my head. I looked up through the water at them, trying to see who they were. I couldn’t tell.
Slowly, my body began to stop fighting. Numbness spread through my lungs. My eyelids became heavy and I let them close. I felt all the oxygen I had managed to hold onto, slip between my lips, and then I felt the water fill my lungs.
I gave up. They finally let go. I could hear their laughter through the water. I felt myself slipping away.
Then, my eyes shot open. I pulled myself out of the water and spit the water they had thought I drowned on out of my mouth and grabbed the nearest of the school’s assassins, snapping his neck easily then let him fall into the water. I grabbed my robe and quickly put it on, tying it tightly around me while they got over their shock. A petite woman with red hair and green eyes came towards me and I jumped out of the tub. I bent my fingers in and made my palm flat then rammed it upwards, breaking her nose, pushing the bone up into her brain, killing her instantly.
I kicked the next one in the gut, stalling him for a moment. I made my hand flat and hit him as hard as I could on the back of the neck. He fell forward, dead with a broken neck.
The last was a woman with ruby colored eyes and dark brown hair. She smiled at me then lunged. I pushed my hand up and hit her in the throat. She fell to the floor gasping and I used the heel of my foot to stomp on the center of her spine, breaking her back.
I stepped out of the small bathroom and automatically felt dizzy from the lack of oxygen I’d had. My last thought before I passed out face first was: I WANT OUT!!!