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~ What's the worst thing about throwing a Partaay in space? You have to Planet...

~ It was such an emotional wedding! Even the Cake was in Tiers!

~ What does a House wear? Address...

~ Why couldn't the Bicycle stand up on its own? It was too Tired!

~ When's the best time to go to the dentist? Two-Thirty.

~ Two antennae were on a roof. They fell in love and got married, right? The Service wasn't that great, but the Reception was excellent!

~ I asked a Frenchman if he played Video Games, He said Wii.

~ A Dyslexic man walked into a bra! (I'm sorry I just cracked up so hard at this! 😂😂)

~ What do you call Bears with no ears? B. (Yep you can figure it out.)

~ What's Brown and Sticky? A stick.

~ What kind of exercise do lazy people do? Diddly-Squats! (If you've watched The Simpsons then you can Imagine Ned Flanders saying this lol)
• Couch = People Shelf
• Books = Manual Films
• Bracelets = Clockless Watches
• Air Horn = Spray Scream
• Bottled Water = Snowman Blood
• Feather = Bird Leaf
~ Smaller Babies are delivered by Stork, And Larger ones by Crane...

~ I like to practice my Knock-Knock Jokes. I just Adoor them!

~ I was going to tell you a joke about a blunt arrow, but really there's no Point.

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