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Before McCoy knew it, Spock and Jim had weaseled the man into their union. They ramped up their flirting and complimenting him since the incident on the planet. Just to show how much they cared for him. Spock and Jim waited for the doctor to recover in sick bay. They gave him the right amount of personal space. They were nice to him. They made him feel like a prince. And they showered him with love whenever they got the chance. He didn't know at what point they entered boyfriend stage, then to engagement state, and to husbands state. It all felt natural and organic but highly surreal. The stardate was 2275. The final year together in space as a family aboard the Enterprise. McCoy hadn't thought of what to do with himself after the mission concluded.

"Bones, it will be fun," Jim said.

"The last time you said that, I nearly lost a leg," McCoy said.

"This is not dangerous," Jim said

"Spock, tell him," McCoy said.

"It was a entertaining day for the two of you," Spock said.

"Yes!" Jim said.

"No, it was not!" McCoy argued back. "You ended up facin' off against an alien civilization that worshipped a machine that was holding me hostage in its big, tight cold servos," the doctor shuddered at the memory coming back while rubbing his shoulders. "and I had scars for weeks afterwards."

"Your scars were beauty marks," Spock said.

"They were not bad," Jim agreed.

"I don't know what universe y'all livin' in but it wasn't," McCoy said, as Jim went over to Pavel.

The feel of the metal against his ribcage. Restraining his breathing. Nearly crushing his ribs as the grip came tighter and tighter. His diaphragm being constricted. His breath becoming short. It was more of a 'I am going to kill this human if you do not comply' rather than a hostage kind of situation. It was all too vivid. Spock reached his two fingers out to the doctor's hands and lightly touched it sending a image of Spock pinning McCoy against the wall on a a full on make out kissing along his neck while his free hand was on the man's side. McCoy was sexually aroused feeling his skin grow warm and his dick harden. McCoy wanted to tear off the man's clothes and---McCoy's eyes bolted in the direction of Spock. This was different. If anything, he sent back comfort through their bond. Pavel was talking to the head of security. McCoy had a look of realization.

Spock had revealed he was on the onset of Pon Farr.

"Good god man," McCoy said. "you could have told me that earlier."

"You were busy," Spock said.

"In a pigs eye, I was!" McCoy said. "I was not busy."

"You were filing out paperwork," Spock said.

"It was a crossword puzzle," McCoy said, as his eyebrow twitched and he bounced on his toes angerly.

"Pardon me, but I hear one of the scientists would like to speak with me," Spock said, walking off.

"Pointy eared green hobgoblin thinks a crossword puzzle is paperwork," McCoy grumbled to himself. "I will show him what paperwork is."

McCoy's attention was diverted to a young, pleasant attractive and tall man with spikes covering his dark skinned body. The man was humanoid in nature with six fingers instead of five that held a plate holding several glasses. McCoy was in a black suit that outlined his female like figure. He had a blue shirt that was part of the outfit while Jim's shirt variation was gold and Spock had a deeper shade of blue. The doctor smiled as our view turned to the small group that had Jim and Pavel.

"And getting the culprit out will be easy," Pavel finished. "don't you agree, kaptain?" Jim nodded.

"Easy," Jim said, with a nod.

The Contastian, Mrs Elric, frowned.

"This. . . destructive. . . person has been thwarting our attempts to send a person out there into space and test. . . the very important. . .crucial . . . part of warp drive," Elric said. She had curled thorns dotting the parts of her body that were revealed in the long red dress that fit her tank figure. We notice Spock wearing a black beanie that covered the tips of his pointy green ears. "are you sure the federal government is funding for this lure?"

"Ve are sure," Pavel said, then he took a sip from the glass.

"It won't be long until you fulfill the mission of this undertaking," Jim said.

"And then, you won't need us once that is accomplished," Pavel said.

"Are you sure, Mr Admiral?" Elric asked.

"Pretty sure," Pavel said. "because then. . . well. . . the federal government can get down to business with the outsiders."

"You'll have a footnote in history," Jim said.

"Denny Crane, and The Admiral," Elrics said. "you will be remembered."

"You don't have to put our full name," Pavel said. It was Jim's idea for his name and Pavel specifically picked The Admiral because he looked forward to be one. A dream that would take a lot of hard work to reach.

"But I must!" Elric said.

"You don't," Jim said.

"The Admiral makes a terrible name to put down," Pavel added.

"You look like a Tavel Luzerike'eich ," Elric said, looking toward the Russian.

"Mr Crane," McCoy said, taking the man by the arm away from the conversation. "I have somethin' to talk about with you." Jim flashed a radiating smile back at the man.

"Mr Kelley.. . ." Jim started to say

"This can't be talked with a engineer," McCoy said, glaring at the captain. Jim turned toward the two.

"We will be right back," Jim said.

The pair went out to the balcony away from the crowd. There were beautiful sounds made by the crickets. There were two moons in the night sky. The Enterprise was one of the moving stars in the distance. There were several houses in the distance. Powerlines dangling from pole to pole. It looked like Earth from the 21st century. There were cars that had fronts that resembled cats. Trucks that had dog like characteristics highly reminiscent of the trucks back on Earth. Nothing was very different except physically. Jim leaned against the rail enjoying the cool, warm air. There were a few clouds in the sky.

"Look at it," Jim said. He looked back toward the doctor. "beautiful, is it?"

"It is," McCoy said, by the man's side.

"We never stay this long, willingly, to enjoy the surroundings," Jim thought out loud.

"Oh yes, you do," McCoy said. "Need I remind you the plants you bring back for Hikaru?"

"You don't need to, Bones," Jim said.

"Jim," McCoy said. "I think Spock's. . er. . ." Jim straightened up, appearing concerned.

"What about Spock?" Jim said.

"He, is in, how do I . . . put this delicately?" McCoy said. "oh wait, I can't."

"Don't put it delicately," Jim said.

"It's been seven years since our first five year mission," McCoy said.

"Eight, actually," Jim said, with a smile as he held the glass to his lips.

"Seven years, Jim," McCoy said. "take a hint." Jim spat out what he had drank.

"Mr Spock?" Jim said, feigning disbelief. "on a away mission knowingly compromised?" He was bewildered. "Why would he not tell me?"

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