2; Changing colors

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I stared at Prince from afar watching him sing along to a Disney movie playing on Thomas's TV in the living room.

I never understood why Princey like all those movies, but it was kind of cute. The way he'd happily sing and dance along.

I wish I could be as happy as he was. It seemed nice. But I was Anxiety, what I was didn't have happiness. I'm Thomas's fears, his negative thoughts.

I was what ruined him. Though he created me I had a choice to stay or not. Thomas had a choice to make me stay or not.

But I was now a big part of Thomas's personality. I was Thomas. Thomas was me.

"Anix, come join me!" He giggled out as he danced horribly along to a song playing in the movie.

I shook my head and pulled my hood more over so it was hiding my eyes.

If I started to do something it's just cause another moment like yesterday and the days before that.

And I didn't want that really. I wasn't gonna risk getting hurt just to pick fun at Princey.

He sighed softly and frowned, turning off the movie, "What's wrong anxiety? You seem downer than usual"

I chuckled and snorted, "Since when did you care about my feelings, Princey?"

He giggled softly. I never heard him giggle before, but he made it cute. I could listen to it all day. But that's weird. Really weird.

"I care." He said carefully squatting down to look me in the eyes. "I care alot. We may fight alot, but I'm a gentleman and gentleman forgive dear."

I blushed and put a hand on my stomach. I felt bubbly inside and I wasn't liking it.

I wanted to throw up but I felt like if I did I'd be rainbows and kittens and happiness and all that stuff.

"Why?" I asked still holding my stomach as it clenched up from nervousness. I tried pushing the bubbly feeling in my stomach away but it just stayed there, warming up my stomach.

"How could I not? You're handsome and smart. You're perfect. You deserve to be cared about."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing come out of prince's mouth.

He'd never said anything like this to me. It was always insults and degradation.

"Princey, we look exactly like each other. We look like Thomas."

He chuckled and gave a small smirk, "No. You look like you're still not over MCR's break up."

I gasped and put my hand over my heart. "That will always hurt me, Princey."

He turned his body and sat next to me on the floor, "I know dear. What's bothering you Anix?"

I shrugged and Prince slithered his arm over my shoulder, he brought his free hand to my face and used it to lift my chin up to look at him.

"Tell me?" He asked softly.

I clenched my fist, holding back tears. "I-I just.. I dunno. I'm feeling different."

"Different?" He smiled and shook his head, "Isn't different good Anxiety?"


He frowned, loosing the bright smile on his face, "Why is it bad dear?"

I wiped a tear that rolled down my cheek and sighed. "I think.. I think it's happiness Princey." He stared at me and I continued with a low voice, "I'm Thomas's Anxiety. His fears, his negative thoughts right? I can't be anything good. I'm the bad part of his personality. I'm Anxiety, not you. I'm not happiness."


"Yeah Princey?"

He smiled softly and pulled our bodies close. He was hugging me. I gasped at how warm and soft he smelt.

He smelt so good, like strawberries. I smiled softly at the pale boy.

I looked into is brown eyes, it's probably the most beautiful color for eyes ever.

I couldn't handle that way my heart started to feel. It was like it was going to pound out of my chest and fall to the floor.

He let go and smiled softly, as his cheeks pinked. It was obvious he was blushing, with how pale his skin was. I smiled back and scooted back.

I wanted to scream out and punch something. I couldn't stop what I was feeling. What was I feeling anyways?

It felt different. It felt sort of like love. But it couldn't be. I don't love. Anxiety doesn't love.

"Anxiety, I like you."

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