17; Disconnected

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A/N: sorry i didn't change anxiety's name lmao

*Virgil's POV*

2 years later..

"V, I'm sorry." Roman sat opposite from me, the one that was my love. Or ex love.

My chest rose slowly and I finally looked back up at him, then looked over at my cup. "My coffee is cold."

"Virgil please talk to me! This silent treatment is killing me."

I sighed and threw the cup at the kitchen wall. "There's me and you, living in the same place like always... but why do we feel alone?" I turned to the prince and watched the lights shimmer against his tear stained cheeks. He bit his lips nervously and sighed. Roman looked over at the broken glass and then over to me.

He didn't have to say anything anymore because with that look in his eyes I already knew what he was going to say to me.

My fist found itself forming into a fist and I sat down across from him again. "I'm sorry I was't enough." I then vanished, leaving a cold spot behind. I looked around and knew I was were I should have just stayed after my dream. But I had to talk about it with everyone. I had to tell Roman.

Maybe the dream meant nothing. Maybe it was just a dream and nothing else and I was making it more then what it was. But that meant that for the last two years that I had spent with him were for nothing.

A knock came from my door and I sighed once again. "Go away.'

Patton whimpered and leaned against the old door. "Son, I know what you're going through. Heartbreak is tough but you should never want to go through it yourself. I had to do that and I sure wish I had the people you did in my life when it happened because it would have really helped. Virgil, Anxiety, just know that I love you my dark strange son. Keep being emo."

And although I couldn't see him I knew that he had winked and skipped away. But he was right. Just because I was going through a fight with Roman doesn't mean I should push everyone else out

I traced my fingers of the hills of my sheets and remembered everything about the night after I woke up. I remember Roman coming into my room in the middle the night, I remember his warm arms slithering around my hips and pulling me closer. Making me.. safe.

But most importantly, I remember all the nights I wasn't alone anymore.

How was I going to fix this?

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