15 | stay

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Draco looked all around him, but he was lost. He could not see past the fighting, and the blonde was getting more and more panicked by the minute.

He could not see his friends. He could not see his family.

Then, before him, a flash of green light that hit a body that was all too familiar. Draco choked back a sob as his mother was thrashed back, and looked away, shutting his eyes tight.

When he looked back, it was not his mother's body at all.

It was Harry's.

Draco lifted his gaze to Voldemort's, behind Harry's lifeless form, and screamed as he watched him smile that cruel smile of his, and fell to the ground.

Voldemort whipped his wand, the green light travelling towards Draco, and right as it hit him,--

Draco woke in a cold sweat, screaming again. He gasped for air, but tried not to be too loud, as not to wake Harry. But before he knew it, Harry was running in, asking if Draco was okay, what happened.

Draco stared at Harry, looking into his kind eyes. He wanted to tell him he was okay, but he wasn't. There were so many deaths that had happened because he was too cowardly to stop them. He hated that. He hated himself, and he wondered why anyone would try to even get close to him after the war.

He brought about nothing but destruction, and he could never forgive himself for it.

"I'm sorry," Draco gasped. "For waking you."

Harry shook his head fervently. "It's always okay."

"I don't deserve you," Draco breathed, and it was not meant for Harry's ears, but he heard it anyway.

"Don't say that," Harry said, hurt. "You deserve so much."

"I'm sorry," Draco said again. "I... I'm fine now. You can go back to sleep."

Harry squeezed Draco's forearm with a silent nod, and shifted to go back into his room. But Harry's retreating figure panicked Draco again, and before the blonde could think better of it, he said, "Wait."

Harry turned back, a figure against the darkness. "Yeah?"

"Can you..." Draco cleared his throat. "Actually... can you stay?"

Harry paused for a second, taken aback, but then, quietly, he climbed into the bed next to Draco, careful to keep his distance.

"You don't seem that fazed by your nightmares," Draco whispered, and Harry inhaled.

"That's not true," Harry answered. "I've just grown used to the pain."

"You endure so much," the blonde said. "And you're still always so strong. It makes me feel weak."

"Don't say that."

"It's true."

Harry shifted his weight so that he was on his side, and Draco turned his head to look at him.

"You're the strongest person I know."

"I'm always crying," Draco laughed. "I don't know how you could say I'm strong."

Harry didn't say anything for a second, and finally, he smiled. "Draco, being strong doesn't mean showing a brave face all the time. It's letting yourself break down, and being able to come back from it, that makes you strong."

Draco couldn't take it. He put his head in his hands and let out a sob, tears spilling over the edge.

"I let her die," He choked out. "I let my mom die."

Harry's throat tightened, and he pushed closer to Draco, enveloping him. He didn't say anything; he just held Draco as he healed.

"I miss her," Draco sobbed. "I miss her, and she could've been here, but I was a coward, and I ran. I let her die."

Harry shut his eyes, pain spreading throughout his body.

He wished he could say something to make Draco feel better, but he couldn't. He had no idea what to say or do.

"I don't deserve any of this," Draco continued. "I'm a shitty person and a shitty son and I couldn't protect anyone. I'm weak and cowardly and all I do is make mistakes."

Harry continued to hold him, letting Draco bury his head in his shoulder.

Finally, when Draco's sobs died down, Draco sniffed, and breathed, "I hate myself."

Harry felt the pain cascade down in waves, and, in a choked tone, whispered, "I love you."

Harry felt Draco's body tighten against his, and he pulled back to look into his eyes.

His beautiful, broken eyes.

"I love you," Harry repeated. "And you are strong, and brave, and caring. And I will protect you from anything this world might throw at us."

Draco didn't know what to say. He kept looking into Harry's eyes, and he stayed so still, hoping that this moment was not a dream.

Harry shook his head and brought Draco in close again, and their bodies fit together as if they were made for each other.

They stayed there for a long time, raw emotion in the air, and the scent of tears.

Right before Draco fell asleep again, Harry muttered, "I do, you know."

He looked at him one last time, his eyes blurry with sleep.

"Love you, I mean," Harry murmured.

Draco closed his eyes again, and Harry planted a kiss on the blonde's forehead.

Draco didn't have to say it back.


a/n: hahah i kno some of u were hopin for smut

sorry not today

WOW i have not posted in a long time this is a sadness chapter but i love

anyways yes hello its me with my shameless self promo go follow my twitter defjimin please and thank you


until next time x,


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