16 | answers and promises

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"Okay, okay, I got one."


"What was your favorite thing about Hogwarts on the first day we got there?"

Draco lifted his gaze to the ceiling, and when he looked back to Harry, he answered, "The food."

"The what," Harry deadpanned, and Draco laughed.

"The food was amazing."

"You're kidding, right? All those magical things, the different hallways, the rotating stairs, the talking paintings, and the first thing you thought about was the food?"

"I was hungry that night."

Harry arched his eyebrows, heaving a sigh. "Well, your turn, I guess, you freak."

"What was the biggest reason you wanted to be in Gryffindor?"

Harry exhaled, pursing his lips in thought. "Because... I don't know. I wanna be good, you know? I wanna be brave, and kind, and loyal."

"You're all of those things, you know," Draco whispered. It was reluctant and hesitant, and too quiet for Harry to hear.

"I got another one," Harry said, clapping his hands together. "Okay, who was your role model growing up?"

"My mom," Draco answered without hesitation.

Harry's gaze softened. "She saved my life, you know."

Draco blinked and smiled. "She always inspired me. I wanted to be just like her." He looked up. "I hope there's no pity in that look you're giving me, Harry. I would think you know that I hate pity."

Harry chuckled. "Sorry."

"I've got one."

"Go ahead."

"What do you want most in your life?"

Harry paused. Draco raised a brow, waiting for his answer.

"First thing that comes to mind, Harry," he whispered when Harry had been thinking for thirty seconds.

"This is gonna sound... I don't know, sort of weird I guess."

"Shoot. I can handle weird."

Harry sniffed. "I've... always really wanted a kid."

Draco grinned. That is... so endearing. "Any reasons?"

"Well, you know, my parents weren't there to see me grow up. And I always... I always wanted to be there to watch a kid of my own grow up. You know?"

The blonde shook his head with another slight smile. He looked at Harry with soft eyes. "I suddenly... have this overarching urge to kiss you."

Harry froze. "So why aren't you?"

"I didn't know if it'd be okay."

Harry's gaze slid down to the blonde's lips, his heart beating faster than before. "I think it'd be okay."

The kiss was hesitant, like two people too afraid to admit that they'd like nothing less than to spend the rest of their lives without each other. The stupid, irrational fear of love.

"I never thought," Harry breathed, when Draco broke away, "that I'd be kissing Draco Malfoy and actually enjoying it."

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it," Draco chuckled. "Otherwise that would make this situation very awkward."

Harry closed his eyes with a laugh.

"If you want a kid," Draco said, clearing his throat. "why don't you adopt one?"

"I was going to," Harry admitted. "But I think I wanted to wait to raise one with someone I really loved." He looked at the blonde. "Up until recently, I always thought it was going to be with someone of the opposite gender."

"You," Draco said, surprised, "would want to raise a child with me?"

"Well, why not? I love you. I actually do. And when the ever existent threat of Azkaban is out of the way, I mean... I think I could actually love you properly."

"I think I just felt my heart enlargen."

"I don't mean anything by it!" Harry blurted out. "I mean, if you want, it could mean something, but there's no, uh... no pressure."

"I think I'd like that."


Draco smiled shakily. "What does that make us though?"

"For now? Nothing, I guess. Unless there's something you'd like to be."

"Well," Draco huffed. "We're something."

"What are we?"

Draco stayed silent for a while. Then, finally, he said, "I'll make you a promise."

Harry nodded hesitantly. "Go on."

"I promise that after this whole thing, I will stay by you. I promise that I will trust you. I promise that I will do everything in my power to protect you, because that is what you have done for me."

Harry inhaled. "This sounds like a proposal."

Draco didn't say anything.

"Holy shit," Harry replied.

"Well, don't think of it as a proposal! Okay, just think of it as a promise."

"I can't believe you just proposed to me," Harry said.

"I'm sorry!" Draco said quickly. "That's a huge, dumb step I shouldn't have taken. But, uh... you said before that you would be my family, and I just... technically I just made a promise to my family. Right?"

Harry ran a hand through his hair. "No, I'm sorry, I... um, it just kinda surprised me."

"Well, you didn't have to answer right away anyway."

Harry shook his head. "That's okay, you know. I would've said yes."

a/n: [quietly] hehe hi guys it's been a while

uhh i'm sorry for not updating wow i have had a lot going on lately this is my first time writing in a whileeee

thank you for 23k reads! that's pretty insane x i hope we can get to 30k soon

i've been writing a lot of poetry and i'm thinking of putting them on wattpad but i don't think anyone would read it

also i have prewritten the next few chapters!!!!! which is a first for me because i'm always rushing to update for you guys hahah. sadly, this story is close to finished; i have 22 chapters for you guys and this is chapter 16 :)

more shameless self promo, follow my twitter @gukrise hehe

anyway thank you guys for everything: i will update the next chapter when this one hits 150 reads ~

until next time x,


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