18 | fear and hope

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The morning of the trial, Draco sweat through his shirt. His legs couldn't stop shaking and his throat felt tight.

The same question revolved in his brain: what if he was sent to Azkaban? What if they ruled him guilty? What would he do? How would he survive in that prison without hope? More importantly, without Harry?

Draco slid his hands across his forehead, taking a shaky breath. His heart did jumping jacks in his chest, and his stomach kept dropping.

"You feeling okay?" asked Harry. He set a hand on Draco's shoulder, and the blonde jumped at the contact.

"Just a little shaky." He took a breath. "And a lot sweaty."

"You're gonna be okay," said Harry. Draco turned to look him in the eyes.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because you've got a heart of gold, you know? And you're compassionate. And you're, you know, good."

Draco laughed quietly. He shook his head, playing with his fingers. "I didn't know this would be so stressful."

"I know."

The blonde took a chance and looped his arms around Harry's waist. Harry held him close, leaning his head against Draco's neck.

"You give really good hugs, by the way," Harry chuckled. "Maybe I never noticed back at Hogwarts because, you know, we hated each other's guts."

"I can't even remember why," Draco smiled against Harry's shoulder. "It's not even physically possible to hate you. You radiate compassion."

"Stop, I'm tearing up," Harry joked. But his voice was tender, and he closed his eyes. "I'm nervous too, you know."

"You are?" Draco pulled back for a second to look at him. "Why?"

"Because," he coughed.


"God damn it, Draco," Harry said, running a hand through his hair. "Because I love you to death."

"I wish we had more time together."

Harry grinned. "You know, we got the rest of our lives together."

Draco laughed and pulled him in again. "One can only hope."

When Harry stepped away from the hug, he put his hands in his pockets and looked at Draco with a stare so intense that the blonde's cheeks turned pink.

"I know we can get through this. Because, god, Draco, I've never felt more meant to be with anyone than you."

Draco nodded, and choked back a sob. "I know."

"Don't cry," Harry said. "If you cry, I'll start to cry."

Draco laughed. He swiped at his eyes. "Sorry."

Harry pulled him in for one last hug, their bodies fitting perfectly. Had anyone been watching from outside, they would've seen two people saying goodbye. In truth, it was so much more than that. For Draco was everything Harry had ever imagined. And though they were both hesitant to be loved, Draco loved Harry more than he had previously believed possible. Somehow, they had fixed each other in the time they had had. They had found a home in each other, for until they had been together, there had always been something missing, whether it was felt by the two or not. And now, the hearts were complete, and they were each other's.

"Harry," Draco said shakily. His voice was soft and husky, and Harry placed a soft kiss on his lips.


"If I... If I don't, you know, pass the trial... promise me that you'll look at the backs of my drawings."

"The what?"

"The backs of my drawings. Promise me you'll look at them if I'm... you know, carted off to Azkaban."

Harry stroked Draco's cheek with his thumb. "Okay."

"And even if I'm not... well, we can look at them together, and I'll get to see that cute smile you wear when you're embarrassed."

"Oh, so this is gonna embarrass me?" Harry laughed.

"Only if you're embarrassed by how much I love you."

"Oh, well then of course," Harry grinned.

Draco smiled back, and there was a subtle, silent agreement between the both of them that they weren't going to talk anymore about what might happen. They were just going to exist alongside each other for however much time they still could, their hearts in the palms of each other's hands.

"You ready?"

"Not quite."

Harry chuckled, but it was hushed and scared. "Me, neither."

a/n: sup readers how's it goin

okay so i do realize how long i've gone without updating even though i always promise u guys a quick chapter lol my bad.

no really big life updates rn i guess... uhhh seventeen's and monsta x's comebacks!!! they were both amazing i love minhyuk & seungcheol :,)

ALSO my debut poetry book is going to be published soon and it really would mean the WORLD to me and would really help me out if you guys could buy a copy. i'll keep y'all updated on that whole thing but seriously it would make me so happy.

so anyway!! i'll try my best to update as quick as possible. thanks for sticking arounddd

until next time x,

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