17 | the idea

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"I have to go in there and tell the Minister about Draco," Harry said. "But I still don't know how to prove that he's innocent."

"He still has the Dark Mark, huh," Hermione muttered. Harry could practically see her thinking, and he hoped she would have an idea.

"I trust him, but that's not a valid argument, is it? It's not like I have proof that I know he's right."

"Yes, Harry, I know," Hermione sighed. "There has to be some way to show he didn't do anything wrong."

Harry smiled at an Auror passing by.

"Well, whatever it is, I've got no idea. You can alter memories, so that's out of the picture."

Hermione glanced at Harry. There was a glint in her eye, like she had an idea.

"What?" Harry asked. "What are you thinking?"

"You trust him?" Hermione asked.


"Completely and totally?"


"They could just use Veritaserum on him," Hermione said.

"That's...," Harry started, "brilliant! I don't know how I didn't think of that."

"Harry," Hermione interrupted. "If Draco has been lying to you at all, if he's done something very bad and just didn't tell you about it, there's no way this will work."

"I know," Harry responded. "But I trust him."

"He has to be 100% sure," Hermione said again. "It's tricky."

"Draco didn't kill anyone without being forced to," Harry said. "I know it."

"You better make sure with him. But you should tell the Minister now, while he's in a good mood."

Harry looked over at Hugh, who was laughing at something a coworker had said.

"I'll be right back. Love you, 'Mione."

"Good luck," shouted Hermione as Harry walked away.


"You really found someone in the woods?"

The Minister looked at Harry quizzically, confusion clear on his face. Harry stared back.

"Yeah," he answered. "And I know him. I know he's innocent."

"Harry," the Minister answered, his voice dangerously low. "It sounds like you already knew about him."

Harry didn't respond. It felt as if he was standing on a precipice, and if he tipped one way or another, he would fall. He couldn't afford to fall.

"You know it's against our laws," the Minister continued, "to keep someone who is wanted, safe from the government."

"Of course I know that," Harry snapped, and fear crept up his throat. "I wasn't."

The Minister stared at him like he didn't believe him, and of course Harry wasn't convincing at all. Moments passed before either spoke, and Harry felt as if he was planted in the ground. He wanted to move in some way, get rid of the tightness in his limbs, but he was paralyzed. And terrified of this turning out any other way.

"Harry," the Minister finally said. "This is insane. I hope you know that."

"Minister," Harry spoke up. His voice sounded raspy and weak. "I swear—"

"Harry, I'm not pretending to believe you. This is insane. It's something I would have never thought someone like you would do."

"Please, Minister," Harry continued. "Please."

Carefully, Hugh Berezin spoke again. "I know the type of person you are. And I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt because of that. But he has to go through trial. And if he is proven guilty, then... I have no way of saving him from Azkaban."

Harry felt a shiver creep up his spine. He nodded quietly. "I know."

"You must love him," the Minister continued, "if you would go through such measures to keep him safe."

"I... I do."

"Was he a friend back at Hogwarts?"

Harry smiles softly. His mind wandered back to when Harry hated Draco, and Draco hated Harry even more. His heart felt heavy.

"You could say that."


When Harry got home, Draco was asleep on the couch, and his soft breathing was the only sound that filled the room. Slowly, the Auror made his way over, sitting down on the floor next to him.

When Draco opened his eyes, they looked sad and happy at the same time. He blinked, and smiled softly. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"Only for like, two seconds," Harry answered with a quiet chuckle.


"Get up," Harry said. "I have news."

Immediately, Draco sat up, elbows on his knees. "What's the news?"

"You have a trial. Tomorrow at one o'clock."

Draco's heart felt as if it was crawling up his throat. His chest tightened. He managed to croak out a "What?"

"They're going to use Veritaserum."

"Oh, Merlin."

"Why? Are you hiding something?"

"Not that I know of. Veritaserum just makes me nervous, though."

"Yeah, me too."

Draco looked at Harry. "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"As long as you're telling me the truth, we should be fine."

Draco put his head in his hands. "Damn, I'm scared, Harry."

"Me too," Harry whispered. Slowly, Draco lowered his hands. Harry intertwined his fingers with the blonde's.

"I believe this can work."

"You do?"

"Yes. And after you're innocent, we'll..." he trailed off.

"We'll what?"

"We'll go adopt a kid."

Draco shook his head with a quiet laugh. "Never thought I'd have a kid with Harry Potter, to be honest."

Harry smiled back.

"I know."


a/n: HOOOOOLY SHIT okay i haven't updated in foreeeeever and i'm sorry, it's not on purpose, i'm in my junior year of high school and it's all very stressful

since there's waaaay too much for me to say in this, i'll go over some important points

1. go follow dearlypjm on instagram hehe ty

2. the attached picture is a poem i wrote recently, i am writing a poetry book and am currently on poem number 114 or something. let me know your thoughts!

3. i verbally committed to play tennis for yale university :) i'll be there in two years i'm sooo excited

4. uhh bts's and got7's comeback i'm in love

ANYWAY i will try to update more omg thanks for the support hehe

until next time x,


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