The Origin Story Part 2

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After that day they had no longer believed that my father and those nine other soldiers were suffering from any form of PTSD. Shocker, I know. But because this was discovered, my father and those nine others were subjected to so many different tests to see how they possibly could have gotten these abilities and superhuman strengths from that explosion they had survived. Tests were also done to see how much their DNA had changed from its original state, to how it is now also if this could be recreated. Due to the possible consequences that could occur if one or all of them were to go rouge, the government took precautions. 

Those precautions were 1) they were to be sworn under oath to protect their country, and under rare occasions the world; 2)they were forced to wear tracking devices that are implanted in their own specially designed suits that are too be worn for missions; 3) if anyone were to find out their secret identities they would be forced to relocate, no exceptions; when relocate they are to be given new identities and stage not only their deaths but also the deaths of their intermediate family members, no contact with old friends are to be continued after relocation; 4)they must stay in constant contact with the other members of the brigade and the government; 5) and finally no matter what they must report to a mission when called, no exceptions.

After that 4th of July in 2005, I never did get to see those other ten kids again. I wish I could have, there was something weird about the way we had met that day. None of us had ever even met before that day but we had all seemed to get along extremely well, maybe it's because none of the other kids had wanted to talk to us.  We were all pretty close to the same age, five of them were older than me and the other five were younger than me, that is if I remember correctly. There was even a pair of twins in our little daring and adventurous friend group. I wonder what they are like now If I could just remember their names I could possibly look them up on the internet and find their social media or something to contact them. But that would never work because 1) I have absolutely zero social media because my dad won't let me have any, except for Gmail and Youtube but I don't think that those actually classify as social media; 2) They probably wouldn't even remember me after all of these years; and even  If they did they would probably think I'm some kind of stalker or something.

I almost forgot to introduce myself, gee why didn't you say anything earlier?! My names Monica Andres B. I can't give you my last name cuz my dad says it's too dangerous and that it could compromise everything, so I won't. I don't really like my first name very much so my friends either call me Ace or Jace, don't ask me where they got the nickname Jace from because I have no idea what so ever. I'm 16 almost 17 in a few months, I can't tell you my birthday because I don't think I can trust you with everything yet...

Call me childish if you want, but I have serious trust issues. If you betray my trust by sharing the information that I have given you with another person I will find you and you will pay DEARLY. Because I'm tired of moving around and I'm done with being the new girl all the time. So if you ruin this for me, I Will make sure to RUIN you too. Now that we have gotten that out of the way and you understand what I am saying to you, it's nice to meet you

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