Secrets Revealed

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The walk to the Oracle's office was spent in comfortable silence, as I glance around at all the things that we pass during our journey to the Oracle's office. The building looks a lot more high-tech than I had first thought that it would be, the classrooms that we passed looked as though they belonged in a SyFy movie that was set in the future the smart board at the front of the room looked more than any regular smartboard at any school that I have ever attended and trust me I have been to a lot of schools to know. The smartboard looked like Jarvis from Iron Man. Even the lockers in this place look high-tech, how the heck is that even possible?

Apparently, I zoned out for a good while because I began to hear a loud echoing voice calling my name. But me being the somewhat slow person that I'm asked this question and I kid you not, "God?, Is that you?" with a highly confused look on my face. Right after I asked the question, I heard a booming fit of laughter coming from m. "I have been called many things over the years but never a god, now that one is a first," the voice says between laughs. Now I'm beyond confused, it wasn't till I had the thought to turn around to face where the voice was coming from that only then would I figure out who was speaking to me, brilliant I know. Turns out it was the Oracle that was calling my name to snap me out of my thoughts because we had arrived at her office and me being the spaced out person that I am walked all the way down the hallway and was about to run into this glass display case with some really weird looking trophies in it. Man, I really need to stop spacing out because 1. not only is it dangerous to do 2. It makes me work twice as hard than if I were to pay attention in the first place, and me being the lazy person that I am I hate having to do more work than necessary. An example of this would be having to walk down this really long condor back to the Oracles office.

I so hope that no one else saw me spacing out like that because I'm already the new kid, I don't need an embarrassing nickname like the space cadet of the school or something even worse, that is if the bullies here are even creative enough to think of anything worse.  As I walk closer to the Oracle I see her laughing and actually smiling  I like her much better this way than her being super serious like she was as she had been talking to Seth. I wonder if she was just in a bad mood earlier, or if Seth did something really stupid to get on her bad side. I grimace at the thought of ever getting on the Oracles bad side because from what I just witnessed she can be extremely frightening. Though something struck me that I've met the Oracle before, I just can't seem to put my finger on it yet. 

As the Oracle walked into her office, I lingered outside hoping that after I walk through that door I will wake up in my room getting ready for school to go back to my boring normal none eventful life that a teenage girl can possibly have with their father being a supper hero. Because I have already had this dream several times before and it always ends when I walk through this door, though the only difference is that I now know most of the names of the mysterious people in my dream. Oh well, I'm just really ready to wake up now...

As I finally decided to walk into the Oracles office I saw an extremely bright light, I guess I was right bout this being all a somewhat bad dream after all. Though I'm not quite sure why I'm sad about it not being real. Come on get it together Monica, it's time to get back to the real world and be serious again. Dreams are all well and good to have but you have to remember that dreams do get you what you want in life, you have to remind yourself that. Why do I have to follow that stupid old saying that the bitter old lady that used to watch me as a child would drill into my head when I told her that I wanted to be an animator when I grow up, just because she gave up and stopped believing in her dreams doesn't mean I have to. I think to myself with determination. I will never become a bitter person who tries to stomp out others dreams because I gave up on mine...

After that thought, I woke up with a bright light blinding me and loud noises around me. What an excellent way to wake up and start the day said no one ever!

Wait noises?! I'm supposed to be alone in the house cuz dad's still on a mission. OH SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA, did I forget to lock the doors last night and burglars came in?!!! Wait that doesn't make sense either, who the heck in their right mind would rob a house in broad daylight?!!!

'Why don't you just open your eyes stupid!!'  I don't need this sass from you right now conscience!

"Look she's finally waking up!" I hear a loud voice shout, pardon me but have you ever heard of an indoor voice! gees person, why you gotta be so loud this early in the morning?!

As my eyes begin to adjust to the light, I'm staring at a white ceiling, my first clue that I'm not in my comfy bedroom because my ceiling has a galaxy that my dad and I painted on it, the second was this weird wire thing that I felt sticking out of my arm, dangit I'm in the hospital! The thing that should have tipped me off first was the smell.


Wait a minute I know that voice... My head automatically snapped up to the direction the voice came for...



Looks like that dream isn't a dream anymore 

I once again felt myself slipping out of consciousness and the bright light consume me.

                        Looks like I was right about life getting a whole lot more interesting.

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